Character info

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Full Name: Cascade "Cassie" Marina Whitlock-Morningstar

Biographical Information

Born: 25 December 1973, Atlantis


Physical age: 15

Actual age: 45


Daughter of Poseidon

Cassie (preferred name)

Cass (by Percy, Annabeth, Bella, Hope and the Cullens)

Cascade Marina Strange (adoptive name)

009 (subject name)

Munchkin (by the Cullens)


Nina (by Henry and Eleven)

Love Bug (often shortened to Bug), Love, Peanut and Bean (by her father)

Hero of Olympus

Saviour of Olympus

Physical Information

Species: Vampire/Nephilim/Demigod hybrid

Hair colour: Jet black in tight curls

Eye colour: Sea Green


Hope Mikaelson (girlfriend)

Marie Whitlock † (mother) (a Nephilim)

Poseidon (father)

Amphitrite (step-mother)

Jasper Hale (maternal uncle)

Alice Cullen (maternal aunt by marriage)

Sara Whitlock † (maternal grandmother)

Lucifer Morningstar (maternal grandfather)

Camille Whitlock † (maternal great-grandmother)

Pluto (maternal great-grandfather)

Rosalie Hale (maternal adoptive aunt)

Emmett Cullen and Edward Cullen (maternal adoptive uncles)

Esme Cullen (maternal adoptive grandmother)

Carlisle Cullen (maternal adoptive grandfather)

Isabella Swan (maternal adoptive aunt by marriage)

Ruby Cullen (maternal younger cousin)

Percy Jackson, Procrustes, Polyphemus, Triton, Arion, Antaeus, Pegasus, Chrysaor, Chrysomallus, Cercyon, Sciron, Theseus, Bellerophon, Neleus, Halirrhothius, and Tyson (paternal half-brothers)

Rhode, Kymopoleia, Despoina and Charybdis (paternal half-sisters)

Several Cyclops (paternal half-siblings)

Zeus, Chiron and Hades (paternal uncles)

Hestia, Demeter and Hera (paternal aunts)

Rhea (paternal grandmother)

Kronos (paternal grandfather)

Stephen Strange (adoptive father)

Donna Strange † (adoptive paternal aunt)

Christine Palmer (godmother)

Wong (godfather)

Physical Appearance

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