◇Leave me alone◇

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꧁My Alpha꧂

Atsumu's POV 


Once I got home I immediately started bawling my eyes out.

I was more sensitive than usual when people found out I was an omega.

And the fact that someone had to come save me.

I felt weak…

He made me feel weak..!

Now I gotta live with the fact that I need help everywhere I go! 

What if people mistake him as my alpha after what happened today..?

Me and Sakusa Kiyoomi.

The biggest asshole on earth.

My alpha?.

Yeah right…

I would rather die than be with someone like him.

So after my little tantrum I went into my bathroom and took a shower.

I had to wipe off the smell of that other alpha that tried to "seduce" me earlier.

His scent wasn't very pleasant…

The smell of strawberries and cigarettes did not mix at all.

No wonder he had to force someone to submit to him…

After I got out of the shower it was now 7:30.

So I decided to call my doctor and tell him about my recent heat.

Shirabu: Hello?

Atsumu: Dr. Shirabu!

Shirabu: Atsumu!

Shirabu: Thank god you called

Shirabu: I heard about what happened…

Shirabu: Are you okay?

Atsumu: Yes I'm fine.

Atsumu: No one harmed me

Atsumu: Or tried to at least…

I mumbled out referring to Sakusa.

Shirabu: Hmm?

Shirabu: What was that Atsumu?

Atsumu: Nothing!

Atsumu: I just wanted to know if I can set up an appointment before going back to work y'know?

Shirabu: Yes of course!

Shirabu: It would be bad to go back to work not knowing when your heat might turn up again

Atsumu: Then when are you free?

Shirabu: Tomorrow at 3:30 will be good

Shirabu: Is that alright with you?

Atsumu: Yes thank you.

Shirabu: Anytime

We both hung up the phone at the same time.

After our call I set my alarm for 2:30.

Giving myself enough time to get ready.

I did my daily skin care routine and went straight to bed.


The next day.

My alarm went off and I shot up out of bed.

The loud noise startled me out of my sleep.

I then started to get ready for my appointment today.

I did the exact skin care routine I did last night and after that I went to make myself some breakfast.

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