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"Moooon, Moon wake up" Qibli said gently "hm?" Moon replied "Our egg hatching is tonight" Qibli spoke to her "MOON!" Winter yelled as he kicked open the door "AH!" Moon fell out of her bed. "DUDE. Don't you see her sleeping?" Qibli shouted "What are you doing here, Qibli?" Winter said, trying to change the subject "WINTER!" Qibli yelled-shouted "QIBLI JUST STOP" Moon sighed as Winter and Qibli were fighting... again. She got up from the floor and walked to the door where the fighting was. "Guys, just stop fighting, please" Moon said in her gentle voice "YOUR JUST JEALOUS THAT MOON IS MY WIFE" Qibli yelled at Winter. 'There it is. Qibli's favorite comeback' "Winter," Moon spoke "Yeah?" Winter said in his raspy but gentle voice "Please, just stop." Moon said. "Ok, dear" Qibli said as he guided her back too her bed. "Just please don't fight, it breaks my heart" Qibli and Winter gave each other looks. "Qibli, can we go to the libary?" Moon asked after a endless stretch of silence. "Why not, Dear?" Qibli responded "Let's go!" Moon shouted as Winter mumbled somthing like "I won her"

Moon loved the Libary. Scrolls were their. She loved to read. "Hi, Starflight!" Moon said to the libarian, Starflight. "Hello Moon, What scroll are you thinking today?" The Blind libarian asked her. "Hmmm.. I don't know. Can you give me a surprise one?" Moon asked Starflight. "Just give me a minute. I think you read every book in the libary" Starflight said as he joked and walked away to find a scroll. "Dear, I'm going to go, ok?" Qibli asked Moon. "Sure! I'll be here if you need me." Moon told him. "AHA!" Starflight shouted "Which book did you get?" Moon asked Starflight as Qibli flew away. "Dark-" 


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