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The huge flash knocked everyone down. "MOONWATCHER!" Qibli shouted from above. "QiBLi?" everything was dizzy and then it turned black.

"what happened?" Moon asked Qibli who was next to her. "Well... let me show you." 

Behind Qibli was a Little Scavenger (Called humans but scavenger fits better) "Hello there! You must be Moon!" Said the little scavenger. "Um... Hi!" Moon said "My name is Ruby" Said the Human "I come from light years away. A place called Earth" Ruby took out a weird cup and drank the purple liquid. Another flash, and she was a dragon.

"Yeah.... um....." Moon mumbled "I know, i didn't know what to say either, dear." Qibli told her. "Oh... I got to go" Ruby said, dragon form (Moon didn't know what to call her) "I'll be in the rainforset! See you soon!" And then she glittered away, somehow. "STARFLIGHT!" Moon ran to the libary, and found the librarian, passed out, on the floor. "Starflight!" A voice Moon knew. "Oh, Moon what happened?" Sunny said as she flew onto the floor, between some scrolls. "Starflight..." Clay landed next to Sunny, followed by Tsunami. "I'm sorry... I don't know what happened." Moon told Sunny. "It's ok..." Clay told Moon. "YAARRRG" Tsunami ripped apart a scroll. 

"huh?" Starflight mumbled.

Happily ever After (Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin