We are...

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[Trans. Int. Technodrome throne room]

Leo: I'm trying to save you, you idiot! Why do you have to make things so hard?

Raphael: [brainwashed] Don't be a fool. There's nothing you can say, Leonardo.

Leonardo: Break free, you jerk! I think I get it. You can't feel emotion because you're the Krang's puppet. As a matter of fact, I'll bet you like doing whatever Krang tells you. You probably love it. 

(Leo hesitates to strike Raph and Raph knocks Leo to the ground. Leonardo crashes back onto the bridge, followed by Raphael who leaps down. Leo stands up.)

Leo: You want to keep coming at me? Go ahead. I'm done fighting you.

(Leo lowers his guard, emptying his hands. Krang One laughs until the Technodrome begins to reenter the Key portal.)

Krang One: What? NO!

(Krang One takes control of the Technodrome and opens its lower floors.)

Donnie: Finally, man and machine entwixed in perfect bionic synergy!

(The throne room eyeball's pupil contracts.)

Krang One: How dare you desecrate Krang's ship!

(Black Technodrome tentacles grab Mikey and tear Donnie's body from the main console, severing his control of the Technodrome. The tentacles grab Michelangelo and Donatello The Techndrome exits the Key portal back into Earth's dimension. The tentacles sprout in the throne room, binding Donnie and Mikey in Krang growth. Leonardo turns around to see his brothers, screaming in pain.)

Leonardo: Donnie! Mikey!

(Leo tries to save Donnie and Mikey, but Raph grabs Leo's wrist and slams him to the floor. Raph stalks toward Leo.)

Leo: [hopelessly] I don't want to fight anymore. I was fighting you because I didn't understand you, but now I get it.

(Leo dodges Raph's attacks.)

Leonardo: I always figured you were mad because you didn't like the way I did things.

(Leo falls and Raph grabs his neck. The Technodrome throne room darkens. Leo still kept his focus on his infected brother and the struggling MIkey and Donnie in their imprisonment, trying to fight back their corruption.)

Leo: But when I see what's happening to you and what's happening to them... I realized it wasn't about me.

(Raphael extends his three claws on his hand to strike Leonardo's heart.)

Leonardo: You didn't yell because you were mad, you yelled because you were scared. Trust me, I know. It's scary to be responsible for the lives you protect. Your team... your family.

[Donatello, Michelangelo, Donnie and Mikey shed tears, helplessly struck in their imprisonment and watching Leo who was about to be killed by their own brother ]

Leo: But we do it anyway because that's what it means to be a hero. If this is it, I want you to know I finally understand. And I'm sorry.

(Leo holds out his arms in surrender. Raph twitches and he blinks, his purple eye regaining its original appearance. Raphael looks at his elder brother.)

Leonardo: Raph...I love you, bro.

 (The orb that sealed Raphael & Raph's Hamato Ninpō reappears and red energy discharges from Raph into the Technodrome throne room. Raph drops Leo.)

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