The hunter becomes the hunted

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Ahhhhhh another fine night for hunting if I say so myself! Middle of the night the moon was out and the prey was vast! I just love the bars here they attract so many other students to thier tables eager to get drunk leaving them wide open for an attack! Tonight will be another night where the ripper will strike once again plaguing this town and its inhabitants with fear! I was already in my ripper atire I have taken up my persona as old jack ready to spill some blood!

Although I must admit I'm also being quite defensive. Ever since that girl had broken into my house I've been on high alert ready if she would come back for round two. I must admit she put up a hell of a fight she was skilled with a blade. But that's not what's concerned me the most it's what she said when she attacked me she was taking orders from someone. I don't know who her superior is and I don't know how far he or she will go to catch me but if she tries make no mistake she will either leave empty handed or wind up dead as another body for the police to bag. I mean I'm the ripper and no one can catch jack not even fellow psychopaths.

I begin my hunt sticking to the shadows careful not to get spotted by any potential prey or by the police. I stay hidden in dark alleyways and stay far from the streetlights stalking the town to see who would be foolish enough to wander the streets alone in the dark.

Unfortunately it seems there wasn't much activity tonight the bars had begun to close at earlier hours to deture people from drinking too much and ending up in my clutches although I wasn't one to give up just yet! I had to be patient I had to come across a lone person I just had too!

Y/N: Urgh come on there has to be someone!

An hour passed and sadly I had found no one the cops had set up a curfew to slow down my rampage so there was less chances of encountering someone. It was annoying to say the least but I knew that some in this town would pay the curfew no mind not eager to lose thier freedom.

So I decide to trek down to the forest which was a great sight for campers tourists flock here for the amazing scenery and majestic wildlife. However there is another group of people that come to the forest for other reasons. This forest also attracts paranormal investigators and believers because of its surprisingly dark history.

For many years people have dissapered in this very forest never to be seen again. Some people found these weird pages scattered around the forest and its said if you take one of those pages the "slenderwoman" would hunt you down and drag you deep into her lair never to see the light of day again...........

BAH! That's just nothing but Internet folklore! There's no way a creature like that exists its all just a bunch of creepypasta just to get scared to none of its actually real. I mean it can't be.........right?

Brushing my doubts aside I creep into the forest and make my way to most popular spot for campers in the forest. It was a nice area an open field next to a lake which had a waterfall and an underwater cave system which was extremely popular with divers. This was my best chance of finding someone and ending thier life and I thought my prayers were answers as I heard the sounds of rustling coming from a camping site!

Finnaly I found someone I don't care if there are others with him I'm killing them too! I doubt anyone can hear them scream so I snuck up to the camping ready to spill blood but instead of being greeted with campers or happy go lucky teenagers I was instead greeted.............



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Let em rip (female creepypasta harem x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now