Prologue - First Time Meeting

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[Word count - 611]

Location - Airport

Location - Airport

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Anon's POV

Here I am, back here in Japan once again. I plan on starting my new school over at Haneoka Girls Academy, but... I feel uneasy about being here. What if I run into my friends from my old middle school? Will they judge for moving back here?

"I guess I can cross that bridge when I come to it..." I said as I let out a sigh while walking through a busy airport.

I was deep in my thoughts as I tried to get out of the airport. However, I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me. And then...


I crashed into someone and I landed on the floor.

"Oh man, that smarts..."

Next I heard the voice of the person I bumped into.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

Was that... a guy's voice? I looked up, and it turns out I was right. It was a guy, and he appears to be the same age as me. I couldn't help but stare at him, and I felt my heart race a little bit.

"Umm, miss, are you okay?" He asked, trying to get my attention.

I snapped out of it as he helped me off the ground.

"Yeah, I'm doing okay." I answered.

"That's good. Sorry for bumping into you earlier." He said. Aww, he is such a sweetheart.

"Oh, no, it's fine." I said. "It was my fault for not paying attention."

"But I was running in the airport, and I probably should've stopped when I did." He replied. Aww, now he's a bigger sweetheart than before.

"Is it okay if I asked why were you running in the first place?" I asked. Well, not like it is any of my business anyway. But I am a bit curious.

"Oh, I'm picking up my girlfriend from the airport." He said.

"A girlfriend, huh? I see."

So this mystery boy has a girlfriend, huh? Then why do I feel so uneasy about it?

"Well, it was nice talking to you, but I better start moving."

Just has he was about to leave again, I stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Hey, wait, can I..."


"Can I get your name?"

The boy smiled sweetly at me, and it gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." He said. "And what about you?"

I smiled back at him.

"It's Anon. Chihaya Anon."

"Anon, huh? That's a really nice name." He said. He... likes my name? That's the first time anyone has ever said that to me, especially coming from a boy.

"Really? Thanks. Your name is great, too." I said as my cheeks turned red. Oh god, why did I say that?

But thankfully, (Y/N) didn't judge me for saying that. Instead, he just smiled and said...

"Thanks. Amyway, catch you later."

And just like that, he was gone. I just stood as I felt my heart beating faster and faster. (Y/N) really is a sweetheart, but him having a girlfriend, though...

No no, get ahold of yourself, Anon. You barely know the guy, so why should it matter on whether or not he has a girlfriend?

Not wanting to think another second of it, I just took my suitcase and headed out of the airport and back home. At least my mother will be happy to see me again.

To be continued

A/N: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Together Forever, featuring my other favorite girl from MyGO!!!!! I just couldn't say no to this one.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

BanG Dream: Together Forever [Chihaya Anon x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now