🐾Baseball Time : Start 𓃠

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"hmm...An intra-school ball game tournament, is it?" Koro-Sensei spoke while looking at the paper Sugino gave to him after his confrontation with the baseball team this morning. "Cultivating healthy minds and bodies through sports....Most exciting!" He smiled with enthusiasm before it dropped. "How come E-class isn't among the roster?"

"The E-class doesn't get entered into the tournament, Instead we have to play in an exhibition game at the end" Mimura informed.

"Exhibition game?"

"Yea, its kind of a spectacle. They pit us boys against the baseball team and the girls against the girl's basket basketball team while the whole school watches."

"Oh are we talking about sports, I love sports!" an unfamiliar voice rang through the class as I walked in with a new guest.

"Huh?" the whole class looked at the door to see an unamused y/n and a taller happily aloof girl behind her.

"We have a new student today, and I wasn't informed?" Koro-Sensei cocked his head to the side.

"Not really a new student, just testing the waters out" I explained as I was still processing the events. I got a cryptid call from Oka-san finally and it was just about having another one of the cat division agents come down.

"So are we just not going to talk about the obvious cat ears and tails she has" Maehara whispered.

"She's not human, she followed me and explained her whole life story while going up the hill because she was lost." I lied and partially told the truth. Technically in Itona's terms we are sisters but I wasn't going to tell the class that.

"Hello! My name is Khory! It's nice to meet you all." She bowed to the class before walking up to Koro-Sensei and attempting to give him a handshake. However the octopus was nervous about it because he still remembers what the red head did on his first day.

"Well, It's always nice to have a new student here and at such a nice time. Sports always mean bonding time and strengthening connections." Koro-Sensei smiled. Khory didn't even try to assassinate Koro-Sensei which confused me. Why was she even here then? She's actually acting like a normal student.

"So that's nice and all, yay a new student, but we're not sticking around to become laughingstocks." Terasaka and his gang said before leaving.
"Well if they don't have to join, We're just going to take our leave." I sighed while grabbing Khory's hand.

"Aw man, I actually wanted to play." Khory pouted

"Can't play as a class, if you aren't even registered to be in said class." I complained.

"Is it just me, or did y/n seem to be a bit motherly" Kayano sweatdropped once she knew the two girls were out of range.

"Well, isn't that lovely. She's getting more and more adjusted to the E-class" Koro-Sensei blushed.

"It's kind of off putting because her normal demeanor is so different..."Okajima thought aloud.




"Did we really have to leave? Why can't we have some fun before doing business" Khory complained as we walked into the teacher's lounge, dropping her airhead facade. In reality I have no idea why she chooses to play the airhead when doing her job. She is literally the oldest of all the cat agents in my division. There's Khory, Nanami, Sakura, Ashe, and me. Yet she chose to play the dumb one...

"Why did Oka-san really send you down here? What is he planning?" I asked as I paid no regard to the other two adults in the room, but neither did Khory so our conversation just went on.

"Other than regretting picking you for this job, he isn't planning much. It's a shame you were too weak to take out the target, and since you went MIA, Oka-san isn't happy." She smiled cockily.

"So what's your plan here?"

"Ah, I don't have to tell you anything. I'm your higher up not the other way around" She reminded me while patting my head. She probably thought that patting my head would bring out my cat ears and tails like it did when I was younger, but I've become more resilient since I was a kid.

"Stop acting so stuck up, I don't want anyone to mess this mission up" I groaned.

"Oh just like how you interfered with Shiro and Itona's fight against Koro-Sensei." Khory smiled while cocking her head to the side.

"How do you know about that? Literally no one should know about that. Shiro said he wasn't going to tell anyone." I glared at her because she was overstepping her territory.

"An assassin never shares their secrets, y/n. You're growing soft and becoming sloppy. Maybe you should take on some of my mission to brush up on your skills." Khory suggested.

"Yea, yea. More like you want me to do your dirty work like always what do you want." I sighed.

"Oh, I'll stay and make sure nothing goes wrong and you take over my missions for the week." Kohry smiled. "It'll help you get back on your feet, no?"

"I guess it has been a while since I've done an assassination....."

"That's the spirit!" Khory encouraged me as she pushed me out of the E-Class building. "Mission papers are already in your bag so don't worry about that. I'll hold down the fort!" she exclaimed before I quickly left the area, kind of dreading what was to come in the future.

Khory's POV

Surprisingly getting y/n to leave was easier than I thought, I remembered the girl being a lot more stubborn. This mission is making her soft.....I sighed before taking note of the other two in the room.

"Hello, Karasuma and Irina." I smiled. "I'm not trying to impede on anything, just following orders, so you two stay out of my hair and I won't bother you two." I was informed as Karasuma just gave me a firm nod and Irina seemed a bit put off. I guess she isn't used to teenagers being all business and no play. Kind of tragic being that she is an assassin but I won't put anything against her.

"What's your game here kitten..."Irina questioned me as she sat up in her chair.

"Whatever do you mean? I'm just here as y/n's senior. Trying to help out so HQ doesn't get antsy."

"So you're helping by sending y/n away?"

"Ah Ah ah. Simply training her and finishing her job for her. She was obviously given a task too big for her" I deviously smiled. "It doesn't matter anyways, Oka-San should be coming soon enough. Things are going to change around here"

"That's not ominous at all..." Irina sighed before returning to her business but I had a feeling she wasn't just going to accept me filling in for y/n. That didn't matter to me anyways...I have a class of people to befriend.

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