I Hated 9/14/23

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Here's why I hated 9/14/23:

So, yesterday, my throat began hurting for no fucking reason.  It still hurts today.  And a little quirk of mine, when I feel pain for a certain period of time, I get in a reaaally  pissy mood.  So, near the end of school, I got snappy and really easy to piss off.  School ends, and I go home in an already bad mood.

I get home and calm myself down a little bit.  My brother comes home, and we pack up for our piano lessons.  We get there, and he goes to play first.  I lay down on the couch and listen to music.  I fall asleep, only to be woken up 2 mins later.  I'm already pissed because of the pain, but now I'm even more pissed because of the 6-minute nap.

I get up and play, but during one of the songs, I just start tearing up.  Another thing about me is that I cry when I'm overwhelmed, pissed off, or something else.  I excuse myself to the bathroom and I calm down.  I almost cried again because I kept hitting the wrong keys.

And that's why I hated yesterday.

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