Together: JJ + Kiera

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Fandom: Outer Banks

Time Stamp: Season 3, episode 05, 34:25 - 37:14

Moment Description: JJ and Keira get on a bike, Kei gets off, JJ distracts the cops, and JJ flips his bike over the rail.

Change in Moment: Kei doesn't manage to get off the bike in time

Ripple: Both of them ended up getting injured from the fall and die because i refuse to believe that that fall caused 0 damage.  

The hot sticky summer air whips JJ and Keira's face, the previously exhilarating thrill of the chase having long worn off. The motor growls under them, shaking the very ground under them. She grips onto JJ so tightly that he's scared she might just crack a rib. The motor growls underfoot and pounces forward, almost colliding with the truck.

"Are you crazy?" She shrieks, her voice easily going up by 3 octaves in her effort to shout over the sirens and the motor.

"Maybe!" He shouts back, his face twisted in focus as he brings the bike ever closer to the truck.

The motorbike creeps closer and Kie stands up as much as she can without letting go of JJ. Slowly, her foot comes off the stand and she reaches for the truck with it. Her foot brushes the top of it but quickly comes off when the motorcycle falls back slightly. Her weight pitches forward, almost coming off the bike. It's only JJ's reflexes that allow him to dart a hand backwards and pull her back to him that saves her.

She comes down hard on the seat and quickly wraps her arms around him again and she shoves her head in the crook between his neck and head.

He can feel her racing heartbeat and quick breaths against him. She whimpers when the truck comes closer and he has to scoot backwards a little bit to try and get her to stand up. Still, she stays seated. Her breath quickens evermore, coming dangerously close to hyperventilating.

"Hey Kei, Baby. Breathe." JJ calls over his shoulder in an attempt to settle her. She doesn't respond though, too carried up in her thoughts.

"You and me yeah?" He promises as his brow furrows deeper as his brain races for a way to save this. He has a plan. A stupid plan. A dangerous plan. But it won't work until Kie is safely off the bike. He's more than willing to put himself in danger to save his friends. Hell, he'd lay his life down. But no way in high heaven and hell would he put Keira in danger, regardless of their current complicated relationship.

Kei shakily stands up and she manages to get a foot on the truck. Pope and John B both yell at her to jump in. But before she can grab Pope's outreached hand, Topper swerves the truck away from the motorbike.

This time, she does slip and the motorbike swerves too when JJ maneuvers the bike to save her. The bike tips to the side dangerously, emitting a loud screech of metal on the road, but JJ throws his weight to the side to save it.

"F*ck!" He swears loudly. The sirens of the police blare behind them and the bike spits up gravel behind them like a tide of stone following them. Veins snake up JJ's neck as he grinds his teeth together, trying desperately to find a solution to keep Kie safe. He bites his lip to keep from screaming in frustration.

"Guys! Look out!" Pope's scream finally breaks through their bubble. His hand has moved from trying to grab Keira's to pointing at a fork in the road. The dull grey of the road split in two, one side snaking left up the hill and the left travelling over a dirt road as a bridge.

The police and the screaming muddled JJ's thinking and when Topper pulled the truck as far right as he could to make room for the bike, JJ pulled left over the bridge.

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