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I was listening to music then faith by ghost started to play sooo why not?

This Started at 12 pm... it's already night...Cause I feel too lazy but got motivation at night😭

Third Person POV

Swiss woke up by falling off the bed "Ooof.." He chuckled quietly and just standed up and stretch "That's a new way to wake me up" He chuckled once again and looked at Sodo who's still on the bed sleeping peacefully, Swiss didn't realized that he smiled and just Shaked his head and plant a small kiss on Sodo's temple then went out of the room to cook foods for everyone and him.

Little Swiss didn't know, Sodo was just faking sleep cause he doesn't want to get up the fire ghoul can feel himself blushing a bit and smiling.

Swiss was in the kitchen and saw Cirrus "Hey there, good morning" The ghoulette greeted while stirring the bowl of eggs, she looks like she's about to cook breakfast "Good morning as well, can I help you make breakfast?" The multi ghoul replied with a smile "Ofcourse" "Alrighty" Swiss said then helped her make some egg n' toast, Pancakes, and some scrambled eggs, friend chicken, etc,  Cirrus also made some rice in case since all the ghouls love rice the litteraly eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Sodo kept rolling on the bed trying to sleep but still couldn't he's still thinking about the forehead kiss earlier he sat up and just watched some edits on tiktok.

Few minutes later he got bored so he decided to listen to music, he went to his Spotify and clicked "Darkness at the heart of my love" and leaned back on the wall.

Eve though he's still bored so he just decided to read some things on random apps while listening to music.

Cirrus and Swiss we're having fun making breakfast they did a 20% cooking and 80% playing like 5 year old kids, their laughs echoes since it's silence.

Sodo could hear it from upstairs even he was using headphones, he put the heads phones away as he listens to their laugh, Sodo wondered if Swiss likes Cirrus, he felt himself getting jealous but just shrugged it off, he always knew no one would like him.

After Swiss and Cirrus are done cooking they placed it on the dining table and called all the ghouls and Ghoulettes.

Swiss went to their room and saw Sodo was zoned out "Breakfast's ready! Get up, dummy!" The multi ghoul said and ran back downstairs, Sodo fliched a bit and just rolled his eyes and went downstairs.

All the ghouls and ghoulettes as well as Papa was in the dining room peacefully eating while talking about random things.

"Well are you guys ready for the next concert?" Copia Said and put a spoonful of rice with an egg "Born ready" Swiss said with a smile "Same here" Aurora replied as well as the others.

They kept talking until they're done eating. "So who's gonna help me with the dishes?" Cirrus said "Me!" Phantom replied and raised his hand "Me too." Cumulus replied with a smile, Cirrus chuckled at both of them and started to wash the dishes, Cirrus with brushing the plates, glass, utensils with a liquid soap, Cumulus Washing then with a water and Phantom putting them up in place.

It took 10 minutes until they we're finnaly done.

All the ghoulettes went to the mall while all the ghouls are in the common room in absolute silence. "I'm bored" Rain said breaking the silence "Same here" The quintessence ghoul replied while playing with his fingers "What about we play 7 minutes in heaven?" Mountain suggested "Sure" Swiss replied "Okay" The fire ghoul followed as the rest agreed.

Mountain standed up and went to the kitchen.

He came back with a bottle"Alright let's sit in a circle" the earth ghoul ordered as they all sat in the circle, Mountain sat beside Phantom and Rain.

Mountain then put the bottle in the middle and spun landed to... Phantom! "Awh, me already?" Phantom said sarcastically and spun the landed on... Swiss! "Alright then, both of you in that closet" Mountain said and pointed to the closet nearby.

The multi and quintessence ghoul went in the closet, Mountain following them, the two ghouls went inside and the earth ghoul locked it then went back "Who's next?" Mountain said and spun the bottle landed on...Sodo! "Sodo you now spin who's gonna be with you!" Mountain said and gestured the fire ghoul to spun the bottle it landed on...Rain! "Sheesh, thank you the bottle didn't picked me" Mountain said to himself with a chuckle, they all waited for 7 minutes to get the multi and quintessence ghoul out.

In other way both the ghouls in the closet we're bored "How long is feels like it's been 2 hours!" Phantom complained impatiently "...How did two minutes because 2 hours for you, Phantom?" The multi ghoul said shocked and looked at him "I'm impatient, you can't blame me" Phantom replied "Wanna play rock, paper, scissors then?" Swiss suggested "Okay!" The quintessence ghoul replied excitedly "Okay..rock...paper... scissors!" They said at the same time, Swiss was rock while Phantom is a scissors "I won!" Swiss chuckled "I'll win next time! Hmph!" Phantom poured dramatically, Swiss just chuckled. "Rock..paper... scissors!" They said again, this time Swiss was paper and Phantom was Scissors. "See! I told you I'll win" Phantom said enjoying a small victory.

They played for minutes not realizing it's already 7 minutes "Rock...paper..scis-" the we're cutted off as the closet open making both of them flinch "Time is over!" Mountain said "Sodo and Rain, Your turns now!" Mountain said.

The two ghouls just went inside and it just became silent.

Swiss and Phantom is still playing rock paper scissors, this time they included Mountain.

The water and fire ghoul we're in silence they're both falling asleep, they're just really like that sometimes.

Few minutes later Mountain finnaly let them out, they just played truth or dare until the Ghoulettes are home "We're back!" Aurora exclaimed "Welcome back" Phantom greeted as well as the other ghouls "Sorry for taking too long, what are you guys doing at this time though?" Cirrus asked "Yeah! It's currently 12:43 am?" Cumulus followed putting down the things.

All the ghouls eyes widened and their heads quickly snapped on the clock 12:44 AM "I didn't knew we played that long..." Mountain said with an awkward smile and brushed the back of his head.

All the ghouls and ghoulettes went to their rooms and went to sleep.

Sodo was the last one though, his insomnia is acting up so he decided to go out, he was looking at the side while walking and accidentally bumped to someone.

Sodo was about to yell at the person but stopped wen it's just Swiss "You again?" Sodo said a bit of annoyance In his tone "Why are you doing up this late?" Swiss asked the smaller ghoul "Can't sleep" "Wanna sleep with me? I mean I can keep you company?" Swiss replied with a shrug, Sodo hesitated but he admits he's sometimes scared of being alone so he just agreed.

Swiss led him to his room as they both  layed on the bed facing opposite side for no reason in silence.
Swiss just decided to break it.

"Good night, sweet dreams"

And ofcourse few minutes later the multi ghoul quickly fell asleep, Sodo was just laying on the bed trying to fall asleep, he looked a the time 1:23 Am
Sodo just layed back down and closed his eyes wishing to fall asleep.

Which surprisingly he did.

1303 words

Thaz all

Darklight (Swiss x Sodo)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن