Chapter Seventeen

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When I see Alice in the backyard with her new boyfriend, I call up my friend Tristan and ask him to bring some party favors. Then I text Ryan and Chase, and within ten minutes I am no longer alone. And in few minutes more, I will no longer be sober.

A few more people find their way to the party, thankfully none of them Callie, and with them so does more liquor. Unable to help myself, I throw continuous glances out the window to check if Alice is still there. And every time I see that she is, I take another shot. Like my own fucked up version of a drinking game. Then once I am nice and tipsy, I get the brilliant idea to call her.

I stand at the window as the phone rings and watch her pull it out to look at it, and then ignore me.

I take another drink.

I close the curtain and try to focus only on consuming alcohol until I can no longer feel anything at all, but the guys have other ideas. They grab their bottles and start heading out onto roof, beckoning for me to join. I shake my head no, but then I hear Chase call out, "Dude, get out here. Alice is making out with her boyfriend!"

I rush out the window, swaying as I do, and see her straddling her that prick's cock. They both turn to look over at my house, then realizing they were no longer alone they start to put their shirts back on and go back inside.

"Sorry to ruin your night, princess," I shout. Or more likely slur.

She stops to look back at me as I take another swig of whiskey, then tilt my head back farther to go ahead and drain the bottle. I lose my balance and begin to stumble back, and the last thing I hear is Alice's horrified voice screaming my name.


"Finn? Are you alright?"

I can hear Alice's voice right next to me and think I must be hallucinating. I slowly blink open my eyes to a circle of blurry faces surrounding me. One of them belonging to her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" My anger towards watching another guy put his hands on her body was still filling my head and I comes out in how harshly I spit the question at her.

"She's worried about you, so don't be an ass," I hear my sister say from somewhere behind my head.

"Dude, you almost died!" Chase laughs. "It was crazy!"

He is obviously still wasted, and as I try to sit up, I quickly realize that so am I.

"Careful," I hear Alice warn, and feel her touch my shoulder to try and make stay down.

I don't see the hand through my unfocused eyes, but I know it's hers by the feel of her touch. I feel the electric shock from her skin.

Then I once again am assaulted by the image of her straddling Eli, and his hands all over her body .

"I'm fine," I nearly growl the words at her, and in an instant her hand is gone.

"Bro, your ass should be in the grass right now!" Ryan practically shouts right in my face.

"Guys, maybe we should back up and give him some air," Zoey suggests.

"Don't worry Zo, he's got plenty of air," Alice says.

I groan as my head begins to spin. It was way too loud in this room. "What happened?" I finally ask them, rubbing my temples to fight off the migraine I can already feel coming.

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