Chapter Nineteen

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We head back to the school to find Tristan. Eli makes a comment about me only wanting to find him so I can kiss him too, which I choose to ignore. I know he is just mad and hurt, and eventually I will be able to explain that Finn kissed me and I pushed him away. Until then we have more important things to worry about. Not to mention I doubt he would listen to anything I had to say right now anyway.

As we head to the car, Eli tosses the keys to Cole and then takes shotgun, obviously trying to avoid sitting next to me. I can tell this is going to be long day.

When we get to the school, I don't see Callie's car. Meaning if Tristan is here, then hopefully he will be able to talk to us. It's already lunch time, so we walk around the building to head straight to the courtyard, and see him standing in a circle of friends. With Finn.

The others stay outside the gate and just out of sight as not to draw any attention to ourselves. Then I go to the bars and signal for him to come over. He sees me, but lifts his hood over his face and turns his head away ignoring me. Already fed up with the boys in my life not listening to me, I send an air stream his direction and knock the hood back off his head. He looks over at me annoyed, then finally kicks off the wall to head my way.

"What?" he snaps. "This is very reckless, talking while exposed."

"We need your help," I say in a low voice.

"More like you have some explaining to do," Eli says staring him down.

I put my hand on his arm to calm him, but for the first time ever, he steps away from my touch. Something Tristan clearly notices. "Trouble in paradise?" he asks with an amused smile.

This time Cole starts to say something, but Paige speaks up first stopping him. "We know you can teleport."

"So, you figured it out," he says looking back to me, which only annoys Eli even more. "Or should I say Alice figured it out."

"How did you know it was her?" Cole asks.

"Just a feeling," he responds and it's clear he has no intention of elaborating.

"Please, Tristan," I plead. "Paige had a vision and we really do need your help."

"So, are we just going to ignore the part about us seeing him work with Callie and telling the shadow to attack us?" Eli asks and Tristan's head snaps up to look at him.

"That's the problem with those pesky memories isn't it. You can never really see the whole picture."

He once again looks back my way and I nod. He was right. With my memory of the car accident, I never knew he was the one who saved me until I saw his perspective.

Staying outside the fence like we were had been working out to let us stay under the radar. Until Finn spots me that is. Taking notice of our little group huddle, he makes his way over to ask Tristan what was going on. But instead of an answer he gets his second punch to the face of the day. This time courtesy of Elijah.

"What the fuck!" Finn growls. Unlike my assault, which seemed to only cause him mild pain, this one would definitely be leaving a bruise.

"How dare you kiss my girlfriend!" Eli shouts.

He pull back his arm to take another shot, but Cole steps between him and the target. "We don't have time for this," he speaks up. "Bigger problems and all."

"Yeah, and how would you feel if Paige were the one kissing another guy?" Eli counters.

Tristan rolls his eyes and looks annoyed with the whole ordeal. "You guys weren't even together yet," he says. "It's not that big a deal."

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