the start

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hey I'm kylee this is the story of how me and sweet pea became

             ME and SWEET PEA
first off my close friends Toni is my girl best friend and sweat pea is my guy best friend not to mention he's also my neighbor fangs is one of his closest friends so it just kinda makes sense then there's jughead he's a fellow outcast and he writes witch is pretty cool considering I can't even write out a sentence without messing up

I was walking to lunch when sweet pea decided to join me

"hey bug" he says in a worried tone

"hey sweets what's up?" I ask

"I was just wondering how you were doing bc I heard your parents last night" he asks

I don't say anything but I pull him into an empty classroom "sweet pea you know I don't like talking about that here" I say

"you know they're gunna find out either way, were did he hit you this time"he asks scanning my body but I had a long sleeve on reveling nothing but my collar bone

(when my dad and mom would fight my mom would fight my mom would leave and my dad would take his anger out on me) in this case I had a bruise on my arm from him forcing me in the bathroom then he punched me in my lower gut witch caused me to choke up a little bit of blood the he punched me in my nose that made a little bit of bruising to but nothing a little makeup wouldn't hide

"I'm fine calm down after a little bit of yelling mom went to bed so he didn't have a chance" I say

sweet pea could tell I was lying but he didn't want to push me

he just grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug after that we continue to head to lunch we sit at the table with the rest of them and we talk for a while but then sweet pea looks at me with the same worried look from earlier

"hey your nose"sweet pea says

I hurry to the bathroom and toni follows me

"are you ok" she says as she helps me clean up

"yeah I'm good it happens often"I lie

that night I was reading a book and theres I knock at my window I look over to see sweet pea I go and open the window (I have a four story house and I'm on the fourth one)

"damn it sweets you scared me how the hell did you get up here anyway?" I ask

"I got hands last time I checked and I'm sorry bug but why would you lie to me?" sweet pea asks

"we were at school and I knew you couldn't focus if you were worried" I say plopping on the bed

"I don't care about school I care about you what happened?" sweet pea asks

"he thought she was cheating she bought him a damn car and was trying to surprise him he's a little bitch I swear if my mom wanted to leave she would have left" I say

"your mom must not care"sweet pea says

"what do you mean?"I ask

"she hasn't fucking noticed the big ass bruises on all over your body I mean I'm not a dad but I have to say that's some damn good parenting" sweet pea says sarcastically

"she just doesn't see much of me anymore"I say

"why don't I take you somewhere" he says

"your fucking insane" I say

"come on it'll be fun I got us a drink" sweet pea says

"ok let me handle my dad real quick" I say getting up

"wait is your mom here" sweet pea says

"surprisingly"I say

I go into the kitchen ware my parents are and yawn then I grab a water out of the fridge "hey mom,dad I'm gunna go to bed so I can get up earlier tomorrow" I say

"alright goodnight sweetie" mom says

I go to the bathroom and let the water run for a bit so they think that I'm taking a shower then I head back to my room and take my hoodie I wear to bed and place some pillows inside I cover it halfway and look under my bed for my dolls I use three one for my hair and the others for anything that looked out of place when I was done sweet pea starts to climb out and I look at how far it is

"dont worry bug I got you" sweet pea says

"oh sweets I'm not worried you forget I have an award in this"I say

when we are finally on the ground we start to walk

"so ware did he hurt you exactly" sweet pea asks

I lift my shirt just enough for him could see the huge bruises right below my gut I could see the anger in his eyes build up

"does it hurt" he asks

"only when I move... or speak.......or breathe but at least he didn't break skin" I say "this time" I add under my breath

"don't you just wanna leave" sweet pea asks

"no sweets you know I can't do that if I leave them I may never see Toni or fangs again" I say as I stop and look over to him "I may never see you again" I add

"I know but you can't just sit there and let him hurt you if I was there when any of this happens I wo- he starts but I cut him off

"I know what you would do but it's not you okay you don't understand" I snap

at this point we're at an abandoned park I sit on a swing

"I'm sor-" he starts but again I cut him off

"don't apologize but sometimes it's just best to take a shot from big guns" I say

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