Dare #11

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From @Gravity_faller_4ever :

I dare Wendy to pretend to be a werewolf.


Wendy: This will be weird...

Ashley: I'm new here, what's going on?

Me: Every chapter, we get asked personal stuff, or dared to do something. This chapter, Wendy has to act like a werewolf.

Ashley: Oh...

Wendy: Ok, let's DO THIS!!!!!

Spencer: Go right ahead.

Wendy: Howl. Howl. Bark. Bark. Grr. Grr. Scratch. Scratch.

Me: You're not feeling it! It's time to bring in the big guns! Oh Bill!!!!!

Bill: What do you need?

Me: I need you to turn Wendy into a werewolf! And a calm one at that.

Bill: She has to be able to hurt someone! Who do you think?

Me: Hmmm... I have an idea! *whispers it to Bill*

Bill: Oh. That's good.

Spencer: Are you ready Wendy?

Wendy: Ready as I'll ever be!

Ashley: Now!

Bill: *zaps Wendy*

Wendy: Must... kill...

Me: Dipper come here!

Dipper: What is it?

Me: You need to see this!

Wendy: *is scratching Spencer* (Sorry Spencer, it's for a special reason)

Spencer: HELP!!!!!

Dipper: SPENCER!!!!!

>insert really sappy moment here<

Dipper: *saves Spencer*

Spencer: Thanks Dippy.

Dipper: Anytime Spence. *blushes*

Spencer: *blushes*

Mabel: *stops recording* Haha, blackmail!

Ashley: Nice one.

Me: Okay Bill, it's time to change Wendy back to normal.

Bill: *turns Wendy back to normal* Anything for you. *blushes*

Me: *blushes*

Mabel: Looks like there's love in the air!

Ashley: Ooohhh!!!!!

Me and Bill: •#_#•

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