Bill X Me

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Me: We have a new shipping!

Mabel: Who is it?

Me: It's... *reads the paper* Oh gosh...

Mabel: Who is it?

Me: *hands her the paper*


Me: -__-

Ashley: What's the shipping?

Me: It's me and Bill. •#_#•

Bill: I heard my name. What's going on?

Spencer: We got a new shipping!

Bill: Oooh! The pain of embarrassment! Who is it?

Me: Its me and you. •#_#•

Bill: Ok then... •#_#•

Me: •#_#•

Bill: •#_#•

Me: •#_#•

Bill: •#_#•

Dipper: Well, this is getting weird...

Bill: Pain isn't as funny as I remember.

Ashley: That's because you're the one with the pain.

Bill: Oh.

Dipper: For an all powerful demon, you sure are dumb.

Bill: Y-you t-think I-I'm *sniffles* d-dumb? *starts sobbing*

Me: *walks over and comforts him* It's ok Bill, you're not dumb, you know everything, remember?

Bill: But Dipper's a meanie.

Me: *shoots Dipper an angry glance* It's ok Bill, he's just being Dipper.

Dipper: Are you kidding me?

Me: No. Are you mad Dipper?

Dipper: Maybe a little...

Me: That makes sense. Spencer?

Spencer: Yeah?

Me: Go comfort Dipper.

Spencer: Got it. *walks over to Dipper* It's ok Dipper. *gives him a hug*

Dipper: Thanks. *hugs her back*

Me: Okay Bill, what would make you feel happy?

Bill: I don't know.

Me: I think I do. *gives Bill a hug*

Bill: I am kinda happy now... *hugs me back*

Mabel: It's love!

Ashley: True love!

Spencer and Dipper: 유❤유

Me and Bill: 유❤유

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