23. Drama

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Today is first reading for their ancient costume drama.

Their Agent, Li Na has come to support them. She is a bit worried because the idols have no experience in acting.

They only have been shooting some ads and variety shows.

Jingmi smirks when he notices Li Kangjian sits few seats away from them.

Their leader is awesome. He nailed the job with his own efforts.

Li Kangjian acts as main Villain in this drama. He has to take off his glasses when shooting this drama.

Fortunately he could still act normally without wearing any contact lens.

He said wearing contact lens made his eyes badly irritated.

Fu Jiazhen is the main lead. He is a young and talented General. He wears brown contact lens to hide his true eye color.

Jingmi will act as his little brother. The role is a pampered Young Master from a rich and powerful family.

Before the reading starts, Li Na asks, "You are supposed to be fifteen years old in the script. Can you do it?"

"No worries. I'm still a teen at heart."

Fu Jiazhen rolls his eyes when he hears Jingmi's reply. This guy is more childish than a real kid.

The reading goes well. All the roles have been set.

The Director calls for a day. He leads them to pray for the shooting to go well.

People in showbiz belive in superstitions.

They pray to God.

The producer prays first. Followed by the director. Then, it's the turn for actors and actresses. The staffs would pray last.

One by one, they stab incense sticks to an urn.

Jingmi glances at the pig head, a part of sacrifice for prayer. A tasty looking grilled chicken. Few meat buns. Two tier of fruits like oranges and apples.

He gulps and looks away. He can't be caught stealing foods here.

Li Kangjian has been recording all the process using his phone. He is going to upload this short video to their official Weibo page.

The fans need more updates from their boygroup.

Li Kangjian asks, "Are you hungry again? This morning you ate a lot."

"Using brain always made me hungry. I'm starving..."

Fortunately the praying session ended soon.

The crews disperse after the Director said the shooting starts at seven in the morning.

The Director gave such a long and boring speech that others have suffered growling stomachs.

The three of them go to a local restaurant to eat late lunch.

It's already twenty minutes passed one after they went through heavy traffic jam.

Jingmi eats like a hungry ghost. The other members devour their meals in more elegant way.

Idol without baggage. Jingmi clearly never cared about his image as an Idol.

Li Kangjian has finished shooting his short video. He posts it after a quick edit.

Some fans give comments almost immediately.

"Jingmi must be a reincarnation of a pig. Look at how much he ate."

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