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Meet the Characters:

Ben Shelton (Total hottie):

Professional Tennis player, curly brown hair, confident, outgoing, jokester, funny, loves to tease, and caring


Anger issues, Tennis player attempting to go pro, caring to the ones she loves, giving, lazy, stylish, jealous easily, and touchy

Victoria(Junes friend):

Kind, respectful, understanding, great listener, confident, athletic, soccer player, plan maker, great advice giver, and crafty


Potential Side Characters:

Junes coach:

Annoying, pusher, and anger issues

Junes mom:

Caring, kind, always worried, and a great cooker

Victorias mom:

"Uber", great ideas, good listener, and kind


Might add to this but this is about it, next chapter will be the beginning of the story! Thanks for reeading🫶🫶

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