𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲

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   (Katie's Pov :)  (WARNING: CUSSING)

I was laying under my blanket watching edits of Tokio Hotel and smiling a lot under my blanket I loved Tokio Hotel,I sighed though and lifted the comfortable blanket and looked around my room. I got up and i felt dizzy I haven’t gotten up or really eaten,but I just sighed and went over and grabbed my black backpack. I grabbed some money I had and then I grabbed my shoes,I quickly put them on and then opened my window I froze and thought if I should tell my parents but I wouldn’t be gone for long. So I climbed out and then jumped down landing on my feet,I winced in pain but I just looked up at my open window and then put on my headphones.

I started to listen to Monsoon and I started to nod my head to the beat,I then sighed and made it to the gas station and I walked in taking my headphones off. I started to walk towards the energy drinks and I grabbed a redbull and some chips,I looked around the gas station but I made it to the cashier and then put my stuff down. The guy eyed me and then he raised an eyebrow  “ain’t you a little too young to be out this late?” He asked and then continued to scan my items. I rolled my eyes and then looked at him  “aren’t you a little too old to be eyeing me like that?” I asked putting on a fake smile and then took out my money,he looked taken back then he looked pissed but I paid and then grabbed my bag flipping him off on the way out.

I put my headphones back on and continued to listen to my music,I wasn’t focusing on anything but the music. But all of a sudden I started to feel dizzy I stopped for a second and then looked around,I didn’t see anyone and then continued on my way. I felt myself fall to the ground and everything went black all my hearing and feeling going away,I had no idea was going on but I had so much fear in my body.

I felt myself getting shake away but it made my body hurt with angozing pain,then I heard three other guys voices and they sounded fimillar. I opened my eyes the sky blue and the sun looking at me,I looked away and then at the four boys and my eyes widened as I sat up but I groaned in pain but I looked up and touched my head. The pretty boy that was tall and had long black hair,and he had a amazing structure he was the one that was waking me up but he got up a little startled and then nervously looked at his friend then back at me,and then I stood up and looked at him taking everything i didn't believe what was happeneing.  "du bist ok?"  He asked and I tiltled my head and gave him a little confused look,he looked at his friend then he laughed nervously  "sorry i'm so use to speaking in German,I asked are you ok"  The guy spoke a german accent came throught,it made me melt and i smiled then I nodded then i looked down dusty off my clothes.  "yea im ok I guess I wasn't as ok as I thought I was" I whispered then I looked up at him,I couldn't believe I was looking at Bill Kaulitz and Tokio Hotel but they were teenagers.

Bill put his hand in front of my face and snapped his fingers, I shook my head nad looked at him. He looked more worried and then looked at Tom, Tom looked at him worried and started to speak in German but then Bill faced towards me again but I couldn't stop and I just took in his beautiful face. I admired his features and then his body,I looked back up into his eyes and melted into his perfectly brown eyes. "what is a pretty girl like you doing sleeping on the ground?" Tom asked his accent coming throught,I turned a little red out of emmbrassed and I looked at my feet. I didn't answer and I looked up to see his puzzled face,then it turned into a confused look but he just sighed and looked at his phone and then looked panicked  "Scheiße, Bill, wir müssen gehen" Tom said in a panicked tone and it written all over his face,Bill faced towards him and then sighed looking at me  "we have to go,will you be ok?" Bill asked softly and his gaze so soft,I started to panic and then I looked down "may I ask what year it is?" I asked in a soft tone I looked up and saw Bill,he had a worried and confused look on his face and so did the others they loked at each other. "2007,why?" Bill asked in a worried soft tone,my heart sank and I looked down my face turning red tears started to build in my eyes. I heard them all start to talk but everything was muffled,I wiped my face so no tears could fall.

I was snapped out of my thoughts and my panicking,I felt a soft warm hand on my shoulder I looked at it and it was connect to Bill. "sorry I was thinking,i should be fine" I whispered and then I looked away so I couldn't meet his worried gaze,he gently grabbed my hand and gently grabbed my chin to face him  "what's wrong?" he whispered and then took a step closer to me,I looked at the others but they were talking in German but they were looking at me with worry in their eyes but I focused back on Bill's perfect face. "I don't have a place to go." I whispered and looked at him, he sighed and then looked more worried. "why?" he asked in a soft tone and then slowly removed his hand from my chin,I thought for a second if I should lie or just say what happened.  "My parents kicked me out." I whispered and I looked down a little,my heart hurt when I lied but he couldn't know he would think i'm fucking crazy. "i'm sorry let me get you a hotel room at least" He whispered sorryness on his face,I smiled and then pulled my hand away.  "No no it's ok" I whipered and started to turn red from how close he was,he sighed and then took out some money. he handed it to me and then he gave me a soft warm smile,i looked at it and sighed then I took it and gave him a tired smile. I felt disgusing and probably looked horrblie,I felt tears slowly go down my face and Bill wiped it away. "why are you crying darling"  he whispered and I just shook my head  "thank you I should go" I whispered then I turned my back on him and started to walk away,I looked back and saw Bill's worried look on his sad face and he turned towards the others and then walked away.

I watched as they walked away more tears falling from my face what was I going to do,i'm stuck in 2007 and i have no where to go or no one to go to. I saw Bill turn around and he looked at me,I gave him a little wave and he gave one back and went back to walking which made me start cry more. I was alone no one to help me,I looked around tears going down my face I looked like a fucking crazy person but how else was I supposed to be reacting.

(Yep new story I hope y'all like this new book,I am still writing the other one but I started to write this awhile ago and thought I should just publish it. love y'all and hope y'all have a great day or night or afternoon. <3)

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