Lost The Game - Football

136 2 0

Y/N - Your Name
C/N - Crush's Name
E/T/N - Enemy Team's Name
E/T/P - Enemy Team Player
E/C - Eye Color
H/C - Hair Color

Request Status: Open

You are NOT dating in this until you both say, "I love you."


You had watched the whole football game, cheering and screaming for the team as motivation. Your team had started to lose against E/T/N in the beginning, but your team quickly tied the scores. This lasted for a few plays until E/T/C intercepted the pass and scored a touchdown.

E/T/C went on to keep getting touchdowns and, in the end, beat your team by 14 points. You had been watching C/N for most of the game, and you could tell he was visibly upset by what had happened.

You had waited for the coaches to be done talking to the team, leaving you standing by yourself at the fence right at the field. You watched as the team slowly got up, taking their helmets off.

Your eyed quickly searched for C/N as the members of the team massed together as they left the field. You decided to walk to the locker room so you could meet C/N outside.

After a few players emerged from the room, C/N finally stepped out. He still had his uniform on, but left the helmet off. His hair was damp and was sticking to his forehead a bit, his face was flushed red, and his muscles were tense.

"C/N!" You smile at him, hoping to cheer him up a little.

C/N's gaze shifts to you, his eyes softening and his whole body relaxing when he saw your smile.

"Hey Y/N. You watch the whole game?" He asked, running a hand through his hair.

"Yep! You did amazing out there! I'm a little sad from E/T/N beating us though..." Your voice growing quiet at the last part.

C/N sighed and hugged you, burying his face in your hair and neck. You weren't expecting such contact but reciprocated it after the shock. You could feel C/N's arms tighten around you when you had started to let go, keeping you in his arms.

"Are you okay?" You quietly ask.

"Better now," C/N replied before letting go, a soft smile gracing his face.

"That's goo-" You had started to say.

"Well if it isn't the infamous C/N. Who's this cutie you brought with ya?" E/T/P asked, winking at you.

You stepped behind C/N a little, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"This is my girlfriend Y/N, and as you should be able to see, she's not very comfortable with you talking like that. And if you hadn't noticed, neither am I," C/N gritted his teeth together as he practically growled at the other male.

"Okay okay I'll go. If she ever needs a new man, then she knows who to call," E/T/P smirked as he backed up, walking away from you two.

You could feel the irritation and anger dripping off of C/N as you looked up at him.

"C/N?" You ask, concerned by his silence.

He quickly smashed his lips against your, taking you completely off guard. Your eyes widened for a second before drooping closed as you kissed back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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