Chapter 1

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"Alejandro, you're going to be late for school! Why can't you be on time, like Jose? He's up and about!" His mother yells. Of course she's bringing up Jose whilst lecturing Alejandro. When does she not?

"Finally! Even after taking so long, your hairs messier than it was when you woke up! Look at your brother! He's on time and neat! Just get in the car you two."

Alejandro sighs, but he's not particularly sad. He's mad, filled with rage. But, if he does want to surpass his brother, he's going to have to hold it in. Now, he would take the bus to school, that's if he was allowed. His parents said the kids on the bus will be a bad influence, that they are ratty, and aren't rich enough to afford a good ride. Oh how he wishes to be one of them.

Once he and his brother arrive at the school, they wave goodbye to their mother, and off they go. Since they're in different year groups, they walk have classes in different ends of the school. That's probably why Alejandro likes to be at school more than any place else. He has classes with a good friend Heather, who deals with similar things at home as well.

They both get to their history class, and there awaiting was an assignment. Not to mention, it was Alejandro's worst subject too. He absolutely hates history.

"Alright class, today I am going to introduce a new project we have. Now for this project, you need to find something old, something your grandparents may have owned. You will bring it into school with a poster explaining its backstory. If you really want to go over the top, you can bring the ancestor into class. This projects due in two weeks, and I expect good results out of all of you." The teacher explained. Alejandro raised his hand. "Sir, what if we can't find anything, I'm afraid my parent might have thrown out any old things!" He asked when he was called on. "Now Alejandro, I know for a fact that you of all should have something good prepared for this project. Not only because all your ancestors are either athletes or very talented with other skills, because Jose has done this assignment and he has gotten full marks! I expect that out of you, am I clear?"

Jeez. First his parents, now his teacher? Could he catch a break at all? "Yes sir.." He muttered quietly. Heather rubbed his back slightly to comfort him. But he didn't want to be hugged, touched, or even spoken to. He just wanted to go home.


Heather: Ok, I'm usually not this nice, but are you sure you're okay from history? Being reminded about Jose at home is enough, let alone school.

Alejandro: I'm fine, but I do need to find something for that project.

Heather: you're working on it now? You have like two weeks, relax! You're not going to fail if you don't start as soon as it's assigned.

Alejandro: I won't fail, but you would. That's why I'm learning from your mistakes! Anyways, may as well get it done and over with.

Heather: Haha you're so funny. Now I see why you're single.

Alejandro: Me being single isn't because of my grades and personality, it's just because of my choices! If I wanted to date someone, I would.

Heather: Orrr, it could be because you haven't found the right one yet. But I'm sure the lucky girl will come along. Or guy, who knows!

Alejandro: Ok heather, don't get carried away. Even if the right person came, I still wouldn't date them!

Heather: And whys that jerkajandro?

Alejandro: Because I wouldn't want you to be jealous!

Heather: I suggest you stop talking or you're getting blocked.

Alejandro: Love you too!

After Alejandro's conversation ended, he ended getting bored very fast. So, he decided to search for old things in his attic. Once he finished getting there, he started digging through the piles of old useless things. Until, he came across a book. He dusted off some dust and read the title. It was just some weird symbols carved into the cover, weird. On the back, there was a note.

July 17th , 1990
Whoever is reading this, this book was meant to find you. My daughter is pregnant, and the child that was with her, is you. Alejandro, I know you're not happy. Look at page 17, the answers to a happy life lays within those pages. I wish you luck.

Seriously? What does this mean, was it some kind off spell? Alejandro was puzzled, but still decided to take a look at the specific page. He saw symbols, morse code, instructions, they were all very odd. It seemed that if he did want a good life, he's going to have to do a lot.

Alejandro spent all night figuring things out, he de-coded the morse code, got out candles (which were originally there because the attic smelt bad, but then he found out he needed it for the spell), he even wrote down the symbols in the correct order as directed. It was very obvious that the person casting this spell had to be very devoted to living a happier life. It now, it was time to actually cast it.

Alejandro sat in the middle of the symbols, as they were placed in a circle. He sat crossed legged and silent as instructed. Alejandro closed his eyes, and suddenly all his senses heightened. It's like he could see things, even with his eyes closed. He could hear harmonic music. Suddenly, a rush of wind blew on his back. Taken by surprise, he opened his eyes and turned around. There before him, there was this kind of portal, and a hand reaching out, Alejandro was left baffled.

"Well are you just gonna sit there? Let's go."

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