Chapter 3

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Noah and Alejandro walked into their new home. It was already well decorated to Alejandro's liking, and it had all his clothes there. Of course Noah had to get his clothes and belongings moved there, but he'll work it out. Noah had his eyes darting the house. The staircase, the living room, the kitchen, it was all so big and gorgeous. Not going to lie, he was excited to live here. Alejandro walked to the fire place and started it. Finally some warm air. Noah was freezing from the looks of it. He huddled up near the fire, almost close enough to get burnt.

"Now be careful, not too close." Alejandro said, lightly pushing Noah a little further away. "Why? Scared I'm gonna ruin your new fireplace?" Noah asked. That boy definitely had a mouth on him. "You know what? Yeah. Don't you dare place a singular scratch on it." Alejandro said jokingly, laughing straight after he said it. Noah rolled his eyes and just focused on staying warm whilst Alejandro finished laughing and put on the tv. "Ohh there Netflix! It's a good time to watch a movie, no?" He said, choosing a profile picture for his profile.

"Yeah sure, what kind of movie?" Noah asked, walking over to the kitchen to find some popcorn.

"I was thinking something under the Christmas category! But if you'd prefer something else that's fine." Alejandro said, already browsing through movies under the category Christmas.
"Christmas is fine, pick any movie you want." Noah said, bringing a bowl of popcorn for them to share. They both sat down on this nice grey couch with a blanket spread out across the both of them. Alejandro was disappointed by most movies, but a movie titled "Home Alone" caught his eye. He put it on and made him self comfortable as he shoved some popcorn in his mouth.

"Dude share!" Noah said with a mouthful of popcorn to the extent that it was hard to make out what he said. Alejandro just lightly tapped his hand away from the popcorn bowl as he reached in for more. He must've been hungry, or enjoying the popcorn since he's probably never had any.

"I think Kevin quite rude for saying he wishes no one was there for Christmas. I'd love to spend it with my family." Noah said at the scene when Kevin yelled at his mom.

"Yeah well maybe Kevin's parents weren't the best." Alejandro said softly. It was almost in a venting way. Noah looked at him for a few seconds, but just brushed it off.

"Hey, Nolan?"

"It's Noah."

"Yeah yeah, if this place was ideally made for me to be completely happy, does that mean it changed everything I didn't like in my life to my dream?" Alejandro asked, still looking around the house in amusement from his couch. "Yep, why?"

"Well I always wanted a haircut. I absolutely hated how my barber did my hair. Well my dad forced me to get it done like this, but I've always wanted a little trim, maybe a few layers here and there. Just to keep it tidy but also the same-ish length." He said, sighing. He'd always thought that haircut would look nice on him. He just wanted a haircut in general, something different for a change.

"Alejandro, you should look at your reflection." Noah said, snorting a little since a funny scene had just showed. Alejandro pulled out his phone and checked his camera app. He couldn't believe it, he had his dream haircut. It didn't look that bad on him either. It added some volume and it looked clean and silky instead of just raggedy and choppy. "Wow, this is great! How do they know what I want?" Alejandro asked, still fiddling with his hair. "They're always watching I guess, I don't know. I'm pretty sure im not allowed to know all that information since I'm you know, a kid." Noah shrugged off, he was too busy paying attention to the screen than Alejandro.

"You're really enjoying this movie huh?" Alejandro asked, shuffling back into his original spot. "Yeah well, I didn't get to watch many movies. I had to pay attention to your every move and all that." Noah replied, still not taking his eyes off the screen as he spoke.

"It sounds like I was quite an inconvenience to you, I apologise." Alejandro paused the movie so that Noah could properly pay attention. "Don't apologise, it's not yours or my fault. Let's just finish the movie and go to bed."

They sat in silence for quite a while, just until the movie ended. Kevin reuniting with his family made Alejandro tear up a little, but he wiped his eyes quickly before it was noticeable. Noah munched on popcorn while watching the credits, he started packing up a little too. Well, not packing up since it was kind of late, but he just tidied it up.

"I'm uh, going to head to bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning?" Noah said, on his way out of the lounge room. "Yeah." Alejandro replied, going up to his room only a little while after Noah did. It was a long night. Alejandro felt extremely guilty that since Noah had to look after him, which caused him to miss out on really good things a regular teenager should experience. But it wasn't his fault right? Gosh, does every person with a bad life feel like this after they've gotten rescued?

erm how do I always end up writing these at 10pm on a school night?? anyways I hope u all enjoy because I'm lazy and will probably take my sweet time on the next chapter 🥰 (I also apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes I'm always tired as I write these)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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