Shenron and Zamasu's Cosmos

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Look I'm gonna be honest because I see this story as a side story, I can't for the life of me see it with the actual main characters of my Uncertain Future story and so I feel that even if I did have a mood, that I wouldn't have been able to write this any better due to that reason.

1471 words is as far as I could get before I gave up honestly, I'm also going to end it for now at 3 chapters, I may do the Zeno story in the future, but it won't be as good as I think it will be, because I felt the same with this and it flunked badly.

I'm just going to continue writing for my main story and forget these side ones except for maybe like 1 chapters worth, but no extra 'series' ones.

I essentially wrote everything that I saw happening in my head for weeks on end, so theoretically I still wrote exactly what I wanted.


Zamasu unlike Black remembered those that visited their cosmos, remembered so strongly that he made it his business to find out how to get to their world.

He stole Black's time ring whilst he slept, it was easy after all as the pair needn't worry about anything anymore and so their guards had completely dropped. He took it and tried all night to get to where Shenron and the other him were, but he found it impossible until like 3 nights later, where he had managed to open a portal to their world.

The portal hummed, vibrated and rippled which subsequently awoke Black who saw Zamasu standing before it and being entranced by it, he got up, noticing his ring missing and walked over to Zamasu who was indeed entranced and he spied his ring on his finger.

"Zamasu?" he asked but the Kai was like a stone statue, so he shook him and that worked, the Kai suddenly in fighting stance but realising it was just his Zamasu that had shook him.

"Don't scare me like that!" he said a little annoyed and Black just grinned.

"What are you doing and with my ring no less?" he asked him and he replied, "trying to get to where the other Zamasu and his dragon are," to which Black replied, "who?" and Zamasu growled in annoyance and simply said, "nevermind."

"So if it's nevermind, than come back to bed and give me my ring back." Unfortunately Zamasu couldn't do this, he could forget them if he did, so he did the only thing he could think to do and that was jump into the portal, Black yelling behind him.

He watched as Zamasu jumped into the portal, he screamed his name but nothing, in fear he too stepped into the portal and suddenly he was enveloped by the warm sun and rainbow colours of another Earth? his Zamasu stood nearby in awe, this place was beautiful.

Anger rose in Black as he noted 'mortals' on a hike here, he revealed his blade and grinned, Zamasu having barely any time to react, "no don't!" he got in front of him and he was impaled instead, the humans running for their lives.

"Why'd you stop me?!?" came Blacks angry voice and Zamasu simply said, "this isn't our world ..." Black not really seeing the point in his words said, "so what?" and Zamasu slapped him hard, earning a glare from Black.

"Have you gone insane!" he eventually yelled at him, Zamasu flinching at his tone, "so if it's not our world we leave it alone ..." he said and Black looked at him unbelieving of his words.

"The dragon can kill us, if he sees we've done anything to his world, he will punish us," he finally said and Black turned around his eyes wide, "what dragon?" he asked and Zamasu said, "Shenron." The look on Blacks face not betraying his fear of this dragon as he knew the power of Shenron.

"I came here cause we're friends with him and his Zamasu, you don't remember them, but I do." Blacks eyes continuously large and unblinking at all this information, "we're friends with an Eternal Dragon how?" he asked and Zamasu just huffed and sighed and than flew in the direction of the energy spike he just felt, Black following him as he felt it too.

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