Chapter 1, Unknown forest

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The slapping of skin sounded loud in the silent night. Be it thigh or ass, the youths palm caused red handprints to appear everywhere like blooming flowers. Drop after drop of sweat wet the tips of his silver hair, making it stick to the sides of his flushed cheeks. The moonlight outlined his shadow, looking faded in contrast to his pale, jade like skin. Pupils red and blown in the dark, he delivers the final blow to his face. The last slap hurt the most, but the sound of the mosquito buzzing finally stopped.

A triumphant laugh left his lips, mood brightening at being chased by one thing less. He's been walking for hours, not feeling safe for a second. All around him were tall, imposing bamboo. Only right in front of him and straight behind him was crossable path, numerous stairs made of old, brittle, light gray stone. They were wide enough for two people to walk side by side but even walking in the middle of it, the thick bamboo still stood too close for comfort. Their shadows wriggled in the breeze, creating worm like forms on the ground. There were too many to try not to step in them. They stole most light, covering more than not. The view of the sky wasn't any better, maybe a bit worse. The leaves tactilly covered every star, reaching like hands into the atmosphere, leaving a bad taste in the mouth of those who watch their swaying dance. It left no place to look at that wouldn't make ones heart beat in fear. Gazing into the distance, the darkness felt like it was looking back at him, hiding behind stalks and following closely.

He was exhausted but forced his steps to speed up. His body was screaming for a break while his mind screamed at him not to stop, to run or teleport, do whatever it takes to leave this place. The stairs behind him must've covered at least tens of miles and dawn should break soon. The sun always brings comfort. Or at least lets one see their murderer, to know who to haunt..

Yesterday started out well, very well. After pulling an all-nighter to learn, he felt more than ready to take the national exams. They would decide his whole future but he looked forward to it. His memory was bad, after sleeping for a night he would forget everything. That curse came with an upside though, as long as he stayed awake, he would be able to memorize things with a photographic memory. he planned to use this curse to stay in school as long as possible, get the highest degree in whatever as long as he didn't have to get a job. His character wasn't made for working long hours, he would rather invest his time in painting. It was his only hobby, taking up all his attention. It was like his hands had a brain of their own, they never forgot the moves. The only thing he had to do was to envision something and they did it almost by themselves, leaving his mind calm.
Too bad before he even took his pencils out, he was roughly grabbed by a man he'd never seen before and pulled out of the classroom. The man didn't say a word to him. His eyes were looking down on him like his life was worth nothing even though he looked like a useless person himself. The first thing Mc noticed about him was a heavy scent all around him, almost making his eyes water. It consisted of sweat and cheap whisky. One got nauseous just standing next to him. His beard also confirmed his drinking habit, dirty and full of bald spots. This guy obviously didn't know how to take care of himself.

The teachers acted like they didn't notice, they let the man into the main office while he was left outside. Completly confused, he stood there nervously waiting. Scared to miss the exams, the minutes trickled by too fast.
When the man came back out, his burly hand grabbed him like a sack of meat and dragged him all the way outside, where he was pushed into a car. He wasn't ready to talk to him, but his eyes spoke more than he ever could. Sadly they didn't give away anything about what was going on, only let him know that he was worth a hundred insults.
The car parked in front of his house and he was left alone again to stand in the garden. This time it took even longer before the man came back. He had his family in tow, all with tears in their eyes and some of his belongings stuffed into a backpack.

Mc didn't know how to react. The others seemed hesitant to talk, like they'd start bawling the second they open their mouths. His sister was the first to come and hug him, shoulders shaking with silent tears. Empathy rose in his heart, squeezing it thightly. "What's going on, guys? I need to go take the exam. You told me yourself if i don't manage to get a job i might as well just kill my-" He planned to talk further but in the middle, his mother fainted from fear. Before someone could catch her, her head hit the ground and she started to bleed a bit.

He stood there, unable to close his mouth. Lest someone else decides to put on a show, the dirty rat interjected. "We'll take our leave now. I promise we will do our best to cure your son." Mc saw the picture of his family crying, looking at him like he was 5 minutes away from death for only a breath. Then he was pushed back into the strangers car.

The ride was silent and long, only filled with the drivers heavy breathing and dirty looks. Mc had no words left after that eventful morning so he could only sit playing with his hands and looking at the view outside. When sunset wasn't far away, they parked at the edge of some giant bamboo forest mc has never seen before. It looked breathtaking in the evening light, making his fingers itch with the want to paint it. The man didn't give him his backpack. He opened the door from the inside and kicked him hard. Mc fell right on the beginning of the stone steps.

"Go up, enjoy yourself as long as you can." Were the only words ever directed at him before the car sped away. The climb was comfortable even when his ellbow hurt from the fall. It only started to get creepy after night fell. So that was the reason he was here, all alone in a unknown forest.

He shuddered in the cold morning air, thoughts interrupted by the first rays of sunshine in the horizon. It was a pale yellow, brushing past the leafs and attacking his eyes. His pupils constricted after being in the dark for so long and he raised a hand to block the assault. The same second he did, he saw a roof in the distance. It looked like it belonged to a temple, red wood eye-catching between all the green. New strentgh found, his exhausted leg muscles sped up. The stairs slowly turned into grass, leaving only a thin path of forest ground that led directly to the thing he saw. Finally on the same level, Mc saw that the roof belonged to a bridge.

It was beautiful, making a curve over a river, about six feet in lentgh. The wood was dark red from top to bottom. Upon taking a closer look, one could see endless engravings, throwing slight shadows that made them look even deeper. They depicted mostly floral designs. Interest quipped by such a special scene, Mc looked around while slowly walking onto it. It appeared to be the entrance to a large flat ground but he couldn't focus too much on what was beyond it yet. At the second step, something above him caught his eye. More cravings revealed themselves, the pictures changed while he walked like an opticial illusion.
At first there were peaceful mountains, so rich in detail that he almost smelled the distinct air they tend to have. The clouds flew from the middle all the way outwards, making space for a ordinary buddha statue. It looked like the one that sat in every temple, until it gained four extra arms. All of it grew as they flailed around. The eyes were following him creepily as it started to fill up the whole roof. Glasses of wine morphed from its hands, quickly getting drunk by it. Then it pulled a mad grimace, looking angry as can be. His steps almost faltered at the sight, it had a really strong effect on him, coupled with the roaring river. Was it that loud earlier? Fortunatly, at the next step, he stood on normal ground again.

All sounds stilled, the whole environment seemed to change with it.
Mc couldn't help looking back. The river was now quiet and unmoving. Koi fish were jumping in the water and other than the few ripples caused by them, it looked like it had never been in motion. The water was clear and shining anyway. Behind the riverbank were huge stones and then bamboo after bamboo, impossible to look through. The sight of the forest gave him such an uneasy feeling, he couldn't do anything except avert his eyes quickly. His eyes focused on what was in front of him, back turned now, the feeling quickly left as fast as it came.
The view in front of him was calming.
Closest to him, there stood a big cherry tree. There were no flowers but it held countless juicy, shining fruit. The leafs looked healthy, seemingly growing at a speed the eye could detect. Even the wood gave the illusion of it being surging with energy. Droplets of morning dew finished the look, shimmering slightly as he walked torwards it.
The path was made of dark stones, each burried in a way that was easy to walk on. They made a circle around the tree, the two roads coming back together behind it. All around where statues and trees, some houses made of dark wood stood in the distance. The compound was so wide, even the air seemed different compared to the forest.

Several feet behind the cherry tree stood the tallest building in sight. This one really was a temple. It looked simple but elegant, obviously built with great expertise and care. The wood almost looked black in the low light, giving the structure an unreal feel.

Mc pushed down all worries that wanted to enter his mind and followed the stones without looking around or back anymore. Something didn't feel right but now that he's here, what else is he supposed to do, really?

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