3. A Tangled web of Trust

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Noorika's POV

The days that followed our coffee shop conversation were filled with a growing sense of anticipation. My brother Yash and his wife, Aaysha, had promised to talk to our parents about Riyansh's proposal. As I anxiously awaited their response, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

Late one evening, after dinner, my parents summoned me to the living room. I could sense the gravity of the situation in their expressions. My heart raced as I took a seat across from them.

Papa cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Noorika, your bhai (brother) and bhabhi (sister-in-law) have informed us about Riyansh's proposal."

Mummy added, "We know he's been a close friend of yours for a long time, but this is a significant decision."

I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. "Yes, it is. But I want you to know that I care deeply for Riyansh, and I trust him. I've known him for years, and we understand each other well."

Papa regarded me with a thoughtful expression. "Beta, we want what's best for you. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and we need to be sure this is the right path for you."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I confessed, "Papa, I love Riyansh." 'I know he's proposing this as a partnership to satisfy our families, but I'm willing to give it a chance. Trust can turn into love over time, right?' I ask to myself in my mind.

Mummy reached out and held my hand, her eyes softening. "Noor bachcha, we want you to be happy. If you believe this is the right choice for you, we'll support your decision."

A wave of relief washed over me as I realized that my parents were willing to consider this unconventional proposal. We discussed it further that night, and they agreed to meet with Riyansh's family to discuss the details.


Riyansh's POV

The evening after a day of my conversation with Noor at the café, I sat down with my parents, anxiety gnawing at me. It is all there fault there desire to get me married, I'll let them know that there wish is going to get fulfilled soon.

"Mom, Dad," I began, my voice wavering slightly, "there's something important I need to discuss with you."

My father, stern yet caring, raised an eyebrow. "Go ahead, Riyansh. We're listening."

I took a deep breath and plunged in, "I've proposed to Noorika, my best friend, that we get married."

My mother's eyes widened in surprise. "Married to Noorika? That's sudden, isn't it?"

I nodded, my palms clammy. "Yes, it is. But you see, I love Noorika, and she loves me too."

It was a blatant lie, and my conscience twinged with guilt. But I am doing all of this just for them only. I have no other reason to get married.

Dad leaned forward, studying my face intently. "Riyansh, you've kept this hidden from us. What made you decide on this so suddenly?"

I looked down, unable to meet their eyes. "I didn't want to rush into marriage, but circumstances have changed, and I believe Noorika and I can make this work. We trust each other."

My parents exchanged glances, and after a moment, Dad spoke, "We want you to be happy, Riyansh. If you've thought this through and believe this is the right step, we'll support you."

Relief washed over me as I realized that they were willing to accept my decision. They, too, would meet with Noor's family to discuss the proposal in detail.

As I left their room that night, a profound sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't help but dwell on the intricate web of trust and concealment that had become an intrinsic part of my life. I prided myself on my honesty with Noorika, never lying to her about anything. Yes, I was a businessman, and that was true, but there was a darker, murkier side to my life that I couldn't afford to reveal.

There was another profession, a clandestine one, that dwelled in the shadows, a world so far removed from the one Noor knew. It was a world steeped in secrets, danger, and darkness, one that I couldn't let her, or anyone else for that matter, glimpse into.

I couldn't bring myself to tell Noorika the truth about this dual existence. The very thought of her discovering my secret life terrified me. It wasn't merely the fear of losing her as a friend; it was the fear of her revulsion, of her recoiling in horror at the depths to which I had sunk.

As I lay in my bed that night, I knew that I would carry this burden with me for the rest of my life. Noorika could never know the truth, and I would go to great lengths to ensure that every facet of my secret life remained hidden from her and every other human being who could potentially expose it. The stakes were immeasurable, and the consequences were dire. All I could do was hope that our trust would indeed grow into something deeper, something strong enough to withstand the weight of my hidden world.

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