A Strange World

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The first period of the school day had begun, and Jason Marke found himself settled into his usual seat, waiting for class to start. His best friend, Chris, occupied the seat next to him, and their morning conversation commenced.

Chris: "Hey Jason, how's your day been so far?"

Jason: "Well, my day's been fine, I guess, although it could've started better. I nearly missed the bus and woke up late."

Chris: "Dude, are you really complaining about nearly missing school? Personally, I wouldn't mind missing a few classes."

Jason: "It's not so much about missing school; it's about my dad's 'actions have consequences' philosophy. Everything my sister and I do has to have major consequences."

Their discussion was interrupted by the entrance of the teacher, who addressed the class and requested their attention.

Teacher: "Good morning, class. Please take your seats and settle down so we can begin."

Jason and Chris promptly ceased their conversation, focusing their attention on the teacher. Just then, the teacher introduced a new student to the class.

Teacher: "Class, we have a new student joining us today. Please welcome Miss..."

A girl entered the room with confidence, introducing herself with a warm smile.

Emily: "Hello, everyone. My name is Emily Jake. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

The class responded with greetings, and some students introduced themselves in return. Jason couldn't help but notice Emily's unique fashion sense, but he decided not to comment. Instead, he leaned over to Chris and quietly observed.

Jason: "Hey Chris, did you notice how Emily is dressed?"

Chris: "Now that you mention it, she does have a bit of a unique style."

Both of them turned their attention back to Emily, intrigued by her outfit. Emily was wearing a blue overcoat, a pitch-black shirt, khakis, and blue shoes. Such attire stood out in a uniform school where the dress code was strictly enforced.

After a brief moment, Emily seemed to expect an introduction from Jason and Chris, having overheard their conversation earlier. Chris took the initiative and stood up.

Chris: "Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm Chris David, and I'm looking forward to spending the school year with you."

Emily: "It's nice to meet you too, Chris."

Jason, feeling a bit shy, also stood up and introduced himself.

Jason: "Hi... My name is Jason... Jason Marke. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Emily: "Hello, Jason, it's also nice to meet you."

With introductions complete, the teacher directed Emily to an empty seat, and the class continued.


During the lunch period, Chris and Jason walked together, heading toward the cafeteria's lunch line. Chris spotted Emily and pointed her out.

Chris: "Hey, bro, isn't that the new girl?"

Jason: "Yeah, why?"

Chris: "You should go talk to her, man."

Jason: "Why?"

Chris: "Because she's attractive, and if you don't, I certainly will."

Jason: "Alright, I'll g—"

Before Jason could finish his sentence, the school mysteriously lost power, plunging the cafeteria into darkness. Confused, Jason waited for the power to return, but it remained stubbornly absent. He turned on the flashlight on his phone and decided to make his way to the principal's office to inquire about the situation, leaving Chris behind.

As Jason navigated the dimly lit hallways, his flashlight revealed an eerie emptiness. Suddenly, he shone the light into a corner and caught sight of a grotesque monster emerging from the shadows. The creature locked eyes with Jason and lunged toward him, pinning him to the ground. Jason's terrified cries for help went unanswered; it was as if the school had been deserted.

The monster, poised to attack, opened its gaping maw, ready to strike. But just before it could make its move, Emily appeared out of nowhere, delivering a powerful punch that sent the creature flying.

Emily: "Jason..."


Emily: "Don't worry, just get out of here."

Jason: "And just leave you to fight that thing alone?! I can't do that."

Emily: "Jason! I'll be fine, just go!"

Jason hesitated but finally stood up, assuming a fighting stance alongside Emily.

Jason: "Emily, I don't know what's going on, but I can't leave you to fight this thing alone. I don't want it hurting others in the school."

Emily: "Jason, you don't understand; you can't fight this thing. Only I can!"

Ignoring Emily's warning, Jason rushed toward the monster, attempting to strike, but his attack simply passed through the creature. The monster swiftly turned and swung Jason into a nearby locker.

Emily: "I told you, Jason! You can't fight this thing!"

Emily, realizing that the monster had shifted its focus from its intended victim, charged her fist with energy and lunged at the monster, striking it in the back. The attack didn't defeat the creature, but it did temporarily stun it, providing a momentary reprieve.

As Jason lay there, dazed from the attack, Emily rushed over and picked him up. However, the monster, no longer stunned, swung at Emily. She swiftly dodged the attack, still holding Jason. With a swift motion, Emily tossed Jason into the air and, with a hand gesture, unleashed a colorful blast that destroyed half of the monster's body. She then caught Jason and gently placed him on the ground.

Emily proceeded to make a phone call.

Emily: "The target has been neutralized, sir."

A voice on the other end of the line responded.

Man on the phone: "Good work, Emily. Thank you for handling that."

Emily: "But it wasn't without a small casualty."

Man on the phone: "Really? How bad is it?"

Emily: "He seems to be in a daze, but I can't be sure. What's worrying me is that he was able to see the threat."

Man on the phone: "What! How?"

Emily: "I don't know, but this guy's cosmic presence is massive. I might have to bring him back with me to get him checked out. We might have a new member of the Cosmic Knights."

End of Chapter 1

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