New days, Old stories

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As Jason found himself back at school, standing in the same dimly lit hallway where he had encountered the monstrous alien. The memories of his encounter with Emily and the revelation of his cosmic presence were still fresh in his mind. He knew he had a difficult decision to make, and the clock was ticking.

As he walked through the darkened hallways, he couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of awareness about the world around him. He realized that the universe was more vast and mysterious than he had ever imagined. Cosmic Energy, aliens, and the enigmatic Cosmic Knights were now a part of his reality, whether he liked it or not.

During his classes, Jason's thoughts kept drifting back to the conversation he had with Emily and Max. The weight of the decision he had to make pressed down on him like a heavy burden. He couldn't focus on the lessons; his mind was consumed by the idea of becoming a Cosmic Knight.

After school had ended he decided to tell Chris not fully expecting him to believe him

Jason: "Chris, can we talk for a minute?"

Chris: "Sure, man. What's on your mind?"

Jason: "You won't believe what happened to me today."

Chris: "Try me."

Jason proceeded to tell Chris the entire story, from the unusual arrival of Emily to the revelation of his cosmic presence and the ultimatum he had been given.

Chris: "Whoa, that's insane, Jason! So, you have to become a Cosmic Knight, or they'll... well, you know."

Jason: "Yeah, exactly. I have 48 hours to make this decision."

Chris: "That's a lot to take in, man. But think about it, you have these incredible powers, and you can help protect the world from these cosmic threats. That's like being a superhero!"

Jason: "I guess you're right, but it's also a life I never signed up for, you know? Plus, it means leaving behind everything I've known."

Chris: "Change is scary, dude, but sometimes it's necessary. And who knows, maybe you'll find a purpose you never knew you had."

Jason: "You always know what to say, Chris."

Chris: "That's what best friends are for, right?"

Jason: To be honest I wasn't expecting you to believe me

Chris: I'm a little skeptical, but as your friend, i'll believe you

Jason: Thanks man!

Chris: Don't get all sentimental on me now, man

Jason: I won't... so you wanna play some video games at your place

Chris: Heck yeah!

Later that night

Jason: aw man I almost beat you

Chris: Too bad you're just a major... LOSER!!

Jason: Oh really, rematch then!

Chris: Jason, that's the third rematch, its 11:30 pm, I think it's time for you to head home dude, won't your parents get angry


Chris: see you at school tomorrow "cosmic knight"

Jason races back home and gets home safely, but when he gets home he's greeted by his mom and dad

Todd Marke: Where have you been Jason, your mother and sister were worried sick

Jason: Im sorry dad, I was at Chris's house and lost track of time

Todd Marke: of course you were, don't you know me and your mother do not like that boy

Samantha Marke: Jason we told you we wanted you to spend less time with Chris and more time with family

Jason: Mom i just lost track of time once, it won't happen again

Todd Marke: I know it won't cause you're grounded


Todd Marke: you can't just show up at 12 am and expect to be off the hook

Jason: Fine! How long?!

Samantha Marke: 2 weeks

Jason: 2 WEEKS!

Samantha Mark: yes Jason that'll give you enough time to learn to keep track of time

Todd Marke: Jason when will you learn tha-

Jason: My actions have consequences, I know dad

Jason then heads upstairs into his room, he lays on his bed and thinks to himself

''First, i get attacked by an alien, then i get grounded for hanging out with my friends, this isn't fair"

A few moments later, Jason's door creeps open and Jason notices his little sister entering his room

Addison Marke: Hey Jason, I heard you got grounded

Jason: yeah

Addison Marke: did dad say the thing again?

Jason: yeah

Addison Marke: where were you? I was worried about you

Jason: I was at Chris's house

Addison Marke: you know how mom and dad feel about him

Jason: I just lost track of time it wasn't his fault, if anything he's the one who told me to come home and reminded me what time it was

Addison and Jason continue their conversation, until Addison yawns

Jason: Addison I think its time for bed

Addison Marke: Ok!

Addison walks out of Jason's room andJason thinks to himself

''I don't want to become a cosmic knight, but i don't want to leave my little sister without a brother"

He thinks this as he drifts to sleep

End Of Chapter 3

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