Chapter 3: 2 different path

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A/N: I have no excuses for not making any chapters and you can't do ANYTHING about it


Allowed myself 4 10 pulls on Fu Xuan, didn't got her neither Lynx, BUT I'M AT 60 OF PITY HUEHUEHUEHUHEUHUEHUE

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Allowed myself 4 10 pulls on Fu Xuan, didn't got her neither Lynx, BUT I'M AT 60 OF PITY HUEHUEHUEHUHEUHUEHUE

Narrator POV

It have been years since Jingliu took Y/N under her training

It was rough, Y/N could barely feel his arms after the day, but he kept going

He showed great potential, and was becoming a great fighter

Jingliu was proud, but she felt something was wrong when she trained him

Y/N learnt quickly for a begginer

Too quickly for someone that never held a sword before

Jingliu: Focus on your footings more!

Y/N: Yes!

They started to clash, Jingliu gracefully spinning, dodging a slash from Y/N, and went for an upper slash as a counter

He managed to block in time, but she used this moment to use his torso as a support, and kick his chin, doing a back flip at the same time

Y/N fell on the ground, holding his chin, as a sword was pointed at his neck

Jingliu: It's my win this time again

Y/N: Ow........

She helped him up, before patting his cheek playfully, with a smile

Jingliu: You're doing the tea again today

Y/N: Yeah yeah.....

He popped his neck, letting a sigh, before sitting at the table, and starting to make the tea

He looked at the side, while doing the tea

Y/N: She didn't give mercy to you too kid?

Jing Yuan: Yeah...... Also I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 18!

Y/N: Still a kid for me

Jing Yuan: You're only 27! Also Master can you stop hitting so hard?

Jingliu: It's for your own good

Y/N: By beating us every time?

Jingliu: I did told you to focus on your footing

Jing Yuan: Monster!

Y/N: Having fun beating us up!

Jingliu: I would be lying if I say I don't enjoy beating you 2 after being so cocky

Below the Moonlight(Jingliu x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now