Chapter 4: Downfall

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A/N: In a group of 5, 3 must pay the price...... but what if it's a group of 6?

Also to put context: The human in Xianzhou, live WAY more than average humans. They live around 1000 years, but still feel the time like any other living beings

Narrator POV

After a long war against the Abundance, Xianzhou managed to overcome their oppenent, winning for the first time in centuries, this war

However, a war, cannot be won without loss

Many warriors died there, to fulfil their duty, and Baiheng, member of the High cloud quintet was no exception

In the battle against Shuhu, an Emanator of Abundance, she sacrificed herself so the soldiers could break through the defense and help many soldiers recover, to win the battle

It was a hard hit for Jingliu and the High cloud quintet

Jingliu and Jing Yuan managed to overcome it, but sadly... the other 2 weren't of this idea

With Jing Yuan......

Walking toward a cell, he opened the door, to see his friend, Y/N, chained on the ground

Jing Yuan: Hello Y/N, I'm here to tell you a great news

Y/N: ........

Jing Yuan: We won the war against the Abundance, Xianzhou is now safe from-

Y/N: How many loss.........

Jing Yuan: .......Over 80 000 soldiers lost in the last battle, and among them, was Baiheng

Y/N: Baiheng...... died......? How.......?

Jing Yuan: She sacrificed herself to make a breach in the enemy's defense, and help our soldier

Y/N: I see....... How did Jingliu took the news.....

Jing Yuan: Master...... managed to overcome this pain, but it was hard for her......

Y/N: ......Jing Yuan..... could you take me to her?

Jing Yuan: Are you sure......? In your state, it might be dangerous

Y/N: It's ok....... as long as I don't open my eyes, then I won't attack anyone......

Jing Yuan: Understood..... The guards will free you in a few minutes, I'll be waiting for you outside

Jing Yuan walked away, leaving Y/N to his thoughts

Y/N: She isn't ok...... Even if she don't look like it..... she's unstable mentally......


Yingxing: Are you sure this will work?

Dan Feng: This is our only chance. I cannot accept her sacrifice this easily. She saved me, and such, I will give it back to her

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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