Spilled coffee

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Sadie's pov:
Today I decided to go out for some coffee and breakfast and then go to the park to relax. I had a shower, got dressed into some loose jeans, a white tank top with an oversized hoodie and some black and white new balance sneakers and to finish the outfit off, I grabbed my beige beanie and some jewellery on my way downstairs to the kitchen.

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I went to the fridge to get a bottle of water, some berries, kiwi, watermelon, and some granola bars for the park

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I went to the fridge to get a bottle of water, some berries, kiwi, watermelon, and some granola bars for the park. I put them into my tote bag along with my camera and earphones, before grabbing my keys. I locked my door before making my way down the stairs of my apartment complex. I put my sunglasses on as I walked down the street. The coffee shop was about 5 blocks away from my apartment, so I put my earphones in and listened to my Taylor Swift playlist. She's currently in London for her Speak Now Tour. I wish I was able to go but unfortunately, I didn't have the money available at the time of ticket sales. I know that one day I'll be able to go to one of her shows so missing this one is okay. After a twenty-minute walk, I arrive at my favourite little coffee shop. I walk up to the counter to be greeted by Katie. "Hi Katie." I say with a smile. "Hey Sadie, your regular today?" She asks me with a smile. "Actually can I try something new?" "Why are you asking. Of course you can. What do you feel like?" I think for a moment before replying "Um... Can I get the avocado and egg English muffin with a tall Americano." "For here or to go?" "To go please." After a couple of seconds, Katie tells me my total. "That's comes to £7,50." I hand her a £20 note. "Keep the change." I say with a smile. "What?... I can't, it's too much." "You can and you will." "Thank you so much." She says with a bright smile. "Always. How long do you think until it's ready?" "About 10 minutes." I plug my earphones back in and carry on playing my Taylor playlist until my order is ready. "Order for Sadie." I hear somebody call out from the counter. I collect my order and thank the barista. As I go to walk out the door, I notice a crowd of people forming and I start to wonder whether I should rather just eat at one of the tables until the crowd goes away. I ultimately decided that I was going to stick to my original plans and go to the park to have a quiet and relaxing breakfast. I put my volume up, opening the door and politely ask if I can pass through. I couldn't get through the crowd that had formed outside a coffee shop for god knows what reason, so I just decide to walk through the area that was kept clear for someone. I kept my head down as I walked to the other side of the street. As I walk, I accidentally collide with with somebody and my coffee has spilled all over the both of us. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." The other person says to me. "It's okay, it's just a coffee. I can get another one. Apologies for spilling on you though." I say as I picked up my cup from the floor. I look up to be met with Taylor, herself. "Please can I get you another one?" "It's okay, Taylor. Honestly." I smile at her. "Can I at least get you cleaned up?" She asks me. "I'm okay. I'm wearing another shirt underneath my jumper, but let me get you another top." As I turn around to call Katie for a hoodie of hers. Taylor pulls me back around to face her. "It's okay, I have a spare sweater in the car." "Are you sure? I feel awful." I say with a sympathetic look. "I'm a hundred percent sure." She says with a genuine and gently smile. I almost forgot about my breakfast and spending time in the park. "I have to go now so have a good day. And again, I'm truly sorry about your top Taylor." I say with a smile as I leave for the park.

Taylor's pov:
After the girl left, I went inside to order my coffee and get some breakfast too. "Hi there." The barista greeted me with a smile. "Hi! What can I get you today?" "Um... I have a weird question..." She giggles. "Go ahead, I'm listening." "There was a girl in here earlier. She had beautiful green eyes, wavy light brown hair that's past her shoulders, about 5'5". Are you able to tell me what she ordered?" She thought about it for a second. "Oh! That's Sadie. She ordered a tall Americano." "Can I get one tall Americano and one tall Macchiato to go?" "Of course. That comes to a total of £6." I grab a £10 note out of the purse and give it to her. "Keep the change." "Thank you. It will be about 5 minutes." She smiled at me. I sat at a nearby table. After a few minutes, they call my order. "Tall Macchiato and tall Americano to go!" "That's me. Thank you so much. Have a lovely day." I walk back outside to the car, while saying hi to everybody waiting outside. When Sadie left, I noticed her walking in the direction of the park so I am really hoping she's there. I ask my driver to take me to the nearest park and ask if he could park in the quieter area so as to not be bombarded with people, like a few minutes ago. Once we have parked, I get out and grab the coffees from the cup holders and then start looking for Sadie. I walk through the park gates and start looking around. There are a few older couples walking together, some young couples having a picnic, families playing with their kids and walking their dogs. It really is lovely to see that people still go out in the summer and experience real life and appreciate it. I haven't found her yet so I head towards the pond and notice her ginger hair. As I walk towards her, I see that she's feeding the ducks and taking pictures of the beautiful willow trees. "Hey." I say softly as I sit next to her on the soft grass. "Hi." She says a little surprised. "I brought you some coffee." I say as I hand her the paper cup. "Thank you." She takes a sip of the coffee and hums with a gentle smile on her face. "How did you find me? And how did you know I ordered an Americano?" She turns to face me with a curious look on her face. "This is going to sound stalker-ish... but after we bumped into each other, I noticed that you were walking in the direction of the park, so I took a chance hoping to find you, and I did. As for your order, I just described you to the barista and she told me your name and what you had ordered. So I replaced your coffee. I felt really bad that you didn't even get to have any before we bumped into each other." "That is so sweet and thoughtful Taylor. Thank you." I give her a sweet smile to which she cutely giggles at. After a moment of silence, I turn to ask her a question. "Can I ask you something?" She turns to face me. "Anything." "Why are you so like normal with me and not fan-girling like everyone else? I'm just curious because you knew who I was from the moment we met." I ask with curiosity. "I don't think you should be treated differently just because you have a more public job than anybody else. You're still human and deserve to be treated as such and not bombarded every second of the day whenever you try to do something. I just feel as though you should be able to have a peaceful day without chaos. Don't get me wrong, I love your music and you're incredible, but you deserve respect and space. It's the same with actors... just because they're on my screen doesn't mean that they're not human and deserve to be treated badly and constantly stalked by fans. I just find it disgusting and invasive when people do that. I know that they don't want to be followed by someone with a camera constantly so why do they think it's okay to do it to others..." She rambles. I smile to myself knowing that at least there's one person who treats everybody the same no matter their status. "...it's the same with the more unfortunate. I'm not going to just disrespect and ignore them. When I can help, I will and when I can't, I'll still make time to chat to them and let them have a friend for a few minutes because maybe it will make their day and if I can make at least one person smile, I feel better knowing that I made somebody else feel better. I'm not going to treat you differently because you happen to have a different status to someone else and I don't have an issue telling people that to their face. In a respectful way of course. I don't like bad confrontation so I try to avoid it at all cost." She looks at me and realises she's been rambling on. "Sorry for talking your ears off." She fiddles with her coffee lid and looks out at the ducks. "Actually, it was so nice to hear your opinion and it's refreshing to know that you were brought up that way. It's a beautiful thing to see. When you treated me like I was a normal person earlier, I was speechless, I felt content and hopeful that I'd meet more people who might treat me the way you did and continue to do." "Do you have any plans for today?" She asks me. "No I don't." "Do you want me to show you some of the quieter and more quaint parts of London?" I can see a glimmer of hope in her eyes. I have no idea why, but I feel like I can be myself around her and feel like I can trust her. "Yeah, of course." "Okay, cool." She reaches into her tote bag and takes out a container of fruit and two granola bars. "Do you want something to eat?" She asks me sweetly. "I'm okay for now, thanks Sadie." "I forgot that you knew my name for a second." She lets out a small laugh and covers her face with both hands. "That's the first time I've actually said your name to you, isn't it?" "Yeah, it is. It's quite nice." We continued to talk for an hour about random things before we decided to head out for an adventure.

Little did I know that it would be the first of many.

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