London adventures

22 1 0

Taylor's pov
The first place that Sadie took me to was a little flower shop that had a generous selection of flowers ranging from roses to baby's breath to sunflowers. They were all different colours but somehow complimented each other. What I really loved about it, was the fact that they were all wrapped in brown paper instead of plastic. "Hey uncle Teddy!" Sadie greeted the older gentleman while we walked into the shop. "Ahh my favourite niece!! Come here Sades!" He says walking towards her and engulfing her in a big hug. "Long time, no see. How are you holding up?" He asks. "I'm doing really well actually." "That's good to hear honey." He turns to me with a gentle smile. "Hi Taylor, I'm Ted, Sadie's uncle." He puts his hand out to shake mine, which I do. "Hi, it's lovely to meet you." I say with a smile. "Would you girls like some coffee?" I go to respond but Sadie beats me to it. "Actually uncle Teddy, we already had coffee in the park." She says with a smile. "That's actually where we met each other!" I slightly chuckled. He smiles chuckling softly. "I was wondering why Sadie hadn't mentioned you as a friend before. She talk about your music all the time and is always listening to it all. day. long!! She loves you, you're an inspiration to her, truly." He says with a bright smile. I look to Sadie with an amused smile on my face only to see her completely flushed with embarrassment. "Don't be embarrassed Sadie, it's sweet." I smile at her, taking her hands away from her face. She smiled before turning to her uncle again. "Uncle Teddy, can I get some flowers? Mom's favourite." I notice how his smile falters slightly as he clears his throat. He nods before going to the back and wrapping some beautiful white and blue tulips in brown paper, before coming back and handing them to Sadie with a hug. He gives her a small kiss on the cheek and her hand a small squeeze.
When she turns back to me smiling, I notice a small hint of sadness in her eyes. I don't push any further, but rather grab her hand and giving it a light squeeze. "We're going to get going Uncle Teddy, but it was lovely to see you again. I will come over for dinner sometime soon and visit the family. Love you." He smiles at her. "It was lovely seeing you Sades, and it was lovely meeting you Taylor. I hope to see you both again soon or at least more often." He says waving to us both as we walk off into the distance. Sadie is still holding my hand as we walk through a quaint part of the city. I don't know where we are going but it's okay. I feel safe with her and she knows more about this small town than I do. I smile to myself as she puts her head on my shoulder. I notice she's quiet and I want to ask her if she's okay, although I don't want her to feel pressured to talk to me. We walk for about another 5 minutes before I hear a small sniffle coming from Sadie. I stop walking, gently pulling her towards a pathway between two small townhouses, where there's nobody around. As I go to stand in-front of her to ask her if she's okay, her knees buckle underneath her and she slides her back against the wall until she's sitting on the floor. I sit next to her, putting my arm around her shoulder, comforting her as she cries for a while. "It's okay, I've got you now." I whisper in her ear as she cries into my chest. I continue to whisper sweet nothings in her ear until she's calmed down. We continue to sit against the wall for about 10 minutes before the silence get interrupted by her phone ringing. I recognised the song to be "back to december" and thought it was quite cute but also very sweet. "Hi love, how are you?" She spoke into the phone with a light sniffle at the end. "Ugh, are you crying about your mom again?!" I heard a woman, who I assume is her girlfriend, on the other side of the phone say. "I'm sorry..." Sadie said in a hushed tone. "You always say sorry but still cry about her. It's been three months Sadie!! You need to stop this behaviour. It's childish!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Her girlfriend is speaking to her like this and she's just accepting it?!?! If I knew who this woman was, I would slap her right now. "Just.. when are you coming home, the place is a mess and needs cleaning." She can't be serious?!! "I'm out with a friend right now, so I'll only be home later. It's just a couple of dishes from dinner last night... can't you clean them today?" She asks very sweetly. "I have guests coming over tonight and need to get stuff done Sadie!!! Either you come home now and do it or we're done and I'm moving out!!" I see her swallow thickly and her breathing start to pick up, so I grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. She reciprocates and gives my hand a squeeze and a small smile. She takes a deep breath before responding to her girlfriend. "Like I said Anna, I'm out with a friend so, no I won't come home now." "Fine, then we're done!!" Anna yells through the phone. "Fine, I want your stuff out of my place by the end of the day and I never want to see you again." She says firmly, leaving no room for argument. "By the end of the day? You can be serious Sadie?!!! I don't have anywhere to go!" "Tough! Find a place, get your shit out of my apartment and leave me the hell alone! I want nothing to do with you anymore." "You know what?" "What Anna?" "Go fuck yourself!!" Sadie ended up hanging up after that, refusing to entertain her ex any further. I looked down at her with sympathy in my eyes and she just started crying again. I pulled her impossibly closer to me, seeing as though that was long overdue, and very hard for her to do. Her breathing started to pick up and her hands were shaky, which could only mean one thing. She's having an anxiety attack. "Sadie, hey, look at me." I spoke softly as to not trigger her anxiety any more than it already was. She was looking everywhere but at me. I gently grabbed her rosy cheeks with my hands, pulling her to look in my eyes. "Deep breaths, deep breaths..." I could see she was trying but it wasn't helping. "Okay Sadie, can you name 5 things you can see?" "uh i um... y-you, th-the wall, the f-flowers, m-my shoes, y-your n-necklace." Sadie manages to get out. "That's good Sadie. Can you name 4 things you can feel?" I give her a look of encouragement and a gentle smile. "Your h-hands in m-mine, my-my jeans, th-the cold uh bricks o-on the wall, the wind." She's doing so well. "Okay now 3 things you can hear." "Cars, um p-people talk-ing, trees rustling." She softly smiles. "Only 2 more Sadie, 2 things you can smell." "Your p-perfume and muffins." There's a café down the street that is baking freshly baked bread, cupcakes, muffins and so much more. "That's good, you're doing so well. And finally, 1 thing you can taste." I say with a gentle smile. "The bitter aftertaste of the coffee you bought me earlier." She lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Taylor." She says with light smile. I lightly pull her head towards my chest, giving her a sweet kiss on the forehead. She lets out a little breathy giggle before giving me tight hug. She then pulls away and says, "I'm sorry you had to hear that." I give her a look of empathy. "It's okay. Things happen. I just want to know if you're okay?" "I don't know right now. There's a lot going on." She shrugs. "I understand..." I say with a pause before asking, "Did you still want to go where you were taking me earlier?" She takes a breath before saying, "yes please. Only if it's okay with you." She looks at me with sad but hopeful eyes. "Absolutely Sadie. Anywhere you want to go, I'll follow." She gives me a hug before she picks up the flowers she bought earlier. "Thank you Taylor. I really appreciate you doing this with me." "Always" I say with a sweet smile. I stand up and put my hand out for her to grab, which she gladly does with a smile. "Thanks." She kept a hold on my hand as we walked in comfortable silence for about 2 miles. She lets out a shaky sigh, thinking I couldn't hear but I did, so I gave her a small squeeze. We walked into a cemetery and she guided me to a well-kept tombstone. I let go of her hand slowly and put it on her lower back. She takes a deep breath before taking a step and placing the flowers in front of the tombstone. She sits down with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. "Hi mom. It's me again..." she looks up at me, "Come sit Taylor. Come meet my mom." She says with a slight quiver in her voice. I slowly sit down next to her with my legs crossed as well. "Mom, this is Taylor, a new friend of mine." She says looking at me with a gentle smile. I send her a small smile back. "Taylor, this is my mom, Maddison." She says as she gently placed her head on my shoulder before she starts talking to her mom again.
Sorry it took so long for the next part. It was supposed to be out yesterday but I fell asleep while writing it last night and then had a long day at work today. I've got a busy weekend ahead of me since I am on shift, so I'll try get the next chapter out as soon as I can.
Luv u xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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