growing up is hard

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Growing up is so hard.
I want to look in the mirror
and still see the little girl I was.
The little girl who would scream her favorite songs at the top of her lungs
with no care in the world about who saw or heard or if they are judging her or not,
the little girl who loves to dance to the Frozen soundtrack,
no matter if she was feeling good or not,
the girl who always wanted to play with her brothers
and would cry if they said no.
I just wish that maybe one day,
I could be capable of seeing that little girl who always had a smile on her face,
and was too innocent and pure for the world.

when I look into the mirror,
I want to cry,
seeing how I am the one in fault of hurting that little girl.
I have to see all the damage
and ugly scars I put on her once smooth and beautiful skin.

She is still here, inside of me,
I know it.
She's just sitting in the back corner of my soul,
playing by herself,
with that adorable, ever-present smile
that I wish I could see on my face once more.

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