Chapter Nine

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Thoroughly confused, Nikki asked "What are you talking about?"
Tiredly, Vicki tried to further explain her position. "Mom, face it. If it weren't for me, you would've been able to do so much more. Instead, you were stuck raising a mealymouthed, mean spirited, spoiled brat, who was, and still is too stuck up and self-involved to know when I'm hurting this family." Her voice dripping with contempt for herself, and what she'd done to her family over the years, Vicki continued. "You really need to cut your losses."
"Just what does that mean?" Nikki asked angrily.
"Forget it. Why you and everybody else I care about haven't given up on me is beyond me!" She whispered, her voice low and cracking, as she choked on her words, and her anguish bubbled to the surface, fighting to break free. Tears glistened in her eyes, but, she bravely fought them, wanting more than anything to protect her family from what she considered to be her problem. 'I need to deal with this on my own. There's no reason for Mom and Dad to get dragged into it.' She thought to herself, determined to make the situation work.

Sick of hearing her daughter unnecessarily berate herself, Nikki stepped in, exasperated and well beyond angry. "Okay, let's get one thing straight right here, right now. Don't ever, ever let me hear you talking like that again, got it?"
Wide eyed, Vicki nodded and fell silent.
Satisfied that her daughter was ready to listen, Nikki took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and continued. "Now, let me tell you something. There is nothing, nothing I would've rather done than raise you and your brother. Do you hear me? I wouldn't trade the time I spend with you and Nicholas for anything in th world! Am I getting through to you?"
In a small, desolate voice, as tears burned in her eyes as she looked at her mother, Vicki answered, "Yeah, it's just...." Her voice trailed off as she looked away, unable to bear the sight of the torturous pain raging in her mother's eyes; written all over her face.
"Just what?" Nikki gently asked.

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