SYTYCW: Week 1- A Clover and a Crescent

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The contest: write a story involving St. Patrick's Day and also have the main character involved with romance.

 Week One: A Clover and a Crescent

It was that time of year again, when the threats were most violent. To be honest, the world has depicted the story of leprechauns completely wrong over the years. Ever heard of Lucky Charms, the cereal? It so did not help my image in the Mystic World.

The origin wasn't really because of Saint Patrick, it was because the Mystic Ireland had just won a war and we declared it a national day. For mortals that didn't have the capabilities to understand, we numbed it down to giving Christianity to Ireland and such. We liked to keep the Mystic ways of life away from mortals, in fear they would run away from us all or decide to enslave us. No matter how long we have been on this earth, mortals have far outnumbered us.

Over the years, though, our secrets have been let out one by one. The four-leafed clover was the symbol that carried our power. The green was what we used to blend in with the world back when most of the world was woods and grass and few cities and towns. The most important release, that could and would lead to our demise, was the pot of gold belief.

The pot of gold resembled a chest we had full of precious trinkets that is not only extremely expensive, but the base of our powers. In fear of the leprechaun race becoming corrupted, the Supreme Force put our power into the chest. Unfortunately, that lead to the war previous of Saint Patrick's Day with other creatures trying to steal our power. It was vital that we hid it around the globe so we wouldn't be turned into dust.

Of course, every plan has its flaws, doesn't it? When the chest was moved it leaves a trail that can be seen with the correct equipment, hence the rainbow leading to a pot of gold. Considering our biggest enemy at the moment are werewolves and their enhanced senses, extreme caution has to be taken. That's why families took turns every year guarding on Saint Patrick's Day, rotating every 100 years. Unlucky me, that was my family for the next 100.

I looked at myself wearing my silly clothing in the mortal mirror that was placed in front of me. My red hair flowed down to my shoulders and my green eyes were piercing. With the cute dress I was wearing and the cowboy boots I was wearing, I looked like an innocent girl or someone ready to star in what mortals call "porno". I smiled at myself and crystal white teeth glimmered behind my red lipstick.

For the afternoon, my job was to scout the area to see if we could track any predators.

"Ashlynn, are you ready?" My mother called out.

I nodded to her and followed her outside of the warehouse that hid the chest this year. My mother was as equally as stunning as I was, but with age and the maturity I lacked. Silently, I reviewed all the things i was supposed to say if anyone approached me. My name is Mary Anne Jones, I come from Australia for vacation, my favorite color is blue.

We went our separate ways and I ended up finding myself in front of the gates to a fancy private school. I could see through the bars the boys and girls my age in uniforms laughing with each other. The bell rang and everyone came rushing towards the gates; what horrible timing I had. I knew I was screwed if anyone approached me and wondered who I was. I turned quickly to make my escape but I was too slow.

"Hey," a boy called out, "who are you?"

I turned around and looked up to see the most gorgeous boy I have ever laid my eyes upon, a boy I've seen more than once. I felt a jolt in my stomach and it wasn't just butterflies, but something much more. Even if he belonged to the enemy, his features were stunning. Deep blue eyes that could look into your soul, light brown hair that fell perfectly on his forehead, the way you could easily tell he was ripped.

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