-so,I'm in your state?-

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Droid was editing a video,until the notification audio he's familiar with echoed in his quiet dimly lit room,
*ping*,he hesitated thinking it would be pezzy sending him some dumb shit on Instagram,but he checked anyways.

"Cleo is nearby!",a Snapchat notification sent to Jamie's phone,'How?She's from Canada?'He decided to open his Snapchat Maps, Cleo at the airport?He didn't believe it,maybe it's just a glitch?He pulled up their messages,
"whys my maps saying you're in my state?" He sent,and saw her bitmoji pop up,and begin to type,

"Maybe because I am?Surpriseee?"popped up on his screen,holy shit?the time they've known eachother they've never met in real life.
"wait you come to visit?"she starts to type again.
"kinda moved houses, a lot of my friends live here" he was shocked,moved houses?
"Holy shit do you need picking up from the airport?"he hoped she'd say yes,she's his best friend after all, he wants to see her.
"if you don't mind yeah," her bitmoji disappeared,
"on my way" he was excited,he grabs his keys and made his way downstairs,
"What's got you so giddy?" Pezzy teased,saying from the couch,
"Yknow Cleo?yeah she fucking lives in town now-" he walks out the door ,

She's never spoke to pezzy personally,but sometimes Jamie would record pezzy doing dumb shit and send it to her,and she'd send a video back,so Pezzy sort of knew her-

Twenty minutes later,he arrived at the airport,scanning round for her,until that familiar face was spotted,glued to her phone.Lonh brown hair,slightly tanned skin and her freckled face illuminated by her phone,He got out the car,
"Cleo-?" He asked walking closer,a tinge of happiness in his voice,she looked up from her phone,Jamie's friendly face walking over,she squealed and ran to him giving him a big hug,
"Jaimee!!!oh my god!" Cleo exclaimed as he hugged her back,two years of being bestfriends and now they've finally met.
"God it's so good to see you!" Jamie smiled widely,hugging his friend,

Cleo's home wasn't ready just yet,the decorates still moving in her furniture,turns out she lives on the same street as Jamie,they were sat in his car,he offered for her to stay the night till her house was ready as long as she promised to stream with him and the guys,He reluctantly agreed,a bit nervous to meet his friends.

++5:43pm++ they arrived and the shared house and she hoped out the car,
"ughh,fresh air!there was this really fucking annoying kid next to me ok the plane- would not shut up." She complained,Jamie laughing slightly.
"Classic." He replied as they walked up the driveway into the home,

"oi max!,nelson!" Jamie shouted up the stairs,all she knew was Pezzy was called Maxwell Crawfeild,she had no idea what Nelson's last name was,
She waited patiently at the bottom with Jaime a little nervous,what if they didn't like her?Suddenly Pezzy appears,his slim taller frame,downturned 'sleepy' eyes and that cocky grin as usual,his hair like a cloud ontop his head,Nelson appearing behind him,way taller than max.
"hi Cleo" pezzy smiled and hugged her slightly,they didn't know eachother very well.
"Cleooo wassup?" Nelson smiled giving her a big bear hug,
"How's your flight?" Nelson asked,
"Some annoying fucking kid screaming down my ear- but,other than that pretty normal" she chuckled,she had a very thick accent,she didn't look anything how her voice sounded.

++7:32pm++ they settled her into the spare bedroom so she could stay till her home was ready,she showered and got changed,into a pair of leggings and a hoodie and went downstairs because Jaime wanted to stream,they were all on the couch,

"What the fuck-" she chuckled.

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