-my name is not short for cleopatra-

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There they were,on the couch wearing some weird ass onesies,carebears to be exact.

"this is reminding me from that time I ate edibles", she chuckled sitting down next to droid,
"Ohhh shit I remember that!" Jamie laughed,and chat was going crazy seeing Cleo,she was a big streamer under the name as 'cleocritical' who streamed a lot of games,They decided to do a try not to laugh,and somebody thought it would be funny to send in a video of a two minutes long complication of Cleo screaming and falling off her chair when she played horror games,the best was
"Holy fuck what's that- eww,stay back you bit- AAAA" she squealed and moved back on her chair falling off,Cleo laughed a little at the video and the guys were trying so hard not to laugh,but they did.

"it wasn't me it was the chairs fault I would not have fell!" She throws her hands up in protest as Jaime laughed at her,
"Yeah yeah whatever!", the stream continued for awhile until the try not to laugh ended and they were all just telling funny stories,chat donating and saying hello, and immediately started getting shipped with pezzy,as he was the only one without a girlfriend.
'clezzy fr'
'damn bro pezzy be looking single rn'
'how about Cleo X pezzy'

"no chat-" pezzy chuckled,
Suddenly a donation was sent,and that robotic voice echoed.
'cleo = cleopatra 💯💯'
She smiled in disbelief- "mate my ne is not short for cleopatra-!"
"okay cleopatra-" Grizzy joked and she elbowed him,
"Dude!", she laughed a little,
"Aww what a lovely name,cleopatra" Jamie teased,
"droid remember I have your sister's number-" she warned and he immediately shut up,making pezzy laugh.The stream went on late into the night,11:42pm to be exact.They ended the stream and all moved off to their rooms,

There was a light knock on her door,she moved over opening it,Max?
"oh hey max" she smiled,
"heyy,I was just wondering if we could talk?you know- like I barely know you?" He chuckled awkwardly,
"Oh yeah- sure!" She let him in and they sat on the bed,
"So where are you from?I don't really get your accent-" Max chuckled,
"yeah I get that alot,I lived in Canada my whole life,but I am actually from Liverpool in the UK!so my accents a bit off-" she chuckled,"you're from Texas too right?" He nodded chuckling,

"yeah,droids known you like what twoo?years now,yeah two?crazy really- you're what,24?" He asked
"I'm 23,24 in may," she smiled nodding,
"cool,cool,I'm 26,"he chuckled,"I'm the oldest of them all like an old man"

she laughed a little,"unfortunate,Jamie acts like a toddler sometimes- he rages playing Roblox" she giggled lightly,she's noticed when max laughs his head moves back slightly,he laughed a little knowing what she meant by he rages at Roblox.

++they spent nearly all night getting to know eachother,In the morning 9:47am++

Cleo woke up,in the spare bedroom still in what she wore yesterday,she groans but decided to get up,putting on a tank top and sweatpants brushing her hair and putting on mascara and lip balm.she yawned as she walked down the hallways to go brush her teeth,classy with her hismile vanilla toothpaste as she finds mint to hurt,it burns though,right?


++she walked downstairs,10:13am++
"Damn you're up early for once!" She said with a face shocked voice seeing Jamie on the couch on his phone,
"Well yeah,I've gotta stream with Pez today," he nodded,"can you go wake him up?"

She groaned,"lazy much" before jogging back upstairs and knocking on Max's door
"oi,sleepybitch wake up" she opened his door after seeing him fast asleep,
"max" she tried to wake him,it wasn't working so she grabbed a pillow and threw it at him,he woke up from that.
"what the-" he looked round
"Wake uppp,Jamie wants you awake so you can stream later" she says leaving his room,chuckling slightly hearing him groan quite loudly, probobly not wanting to wake up..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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