
16 1 1

it was 4pm, nearly the end of choon-hee's shift at dear cats café

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it was 4pm, nearly the end of choon-hee's shift at dear cats café. lily had already left 20 minutes early to get ready for the cinema, choon-hee had offered to work the rest of her shift for her. "hey choon, you can just wipe that final table down then you're good to go." haewon said, flashing a quick smile at her.

after she had heard this she rushed to get this table cleaned, spraying it down then wiping it with a clean cloth. "wonnie! i've cleaned the table so i'll get going now." choon-hee darted off towards the staff room, where all of her stuff was.

"choo, are you already going?" han-kun wondered.

"yeah, i've got to get home quickly though, me and seungmin are watching a movie tonight!" choon-hee chirped. han-kun glanced at the girl as if to say 'seungmin huh?', but choon-hee just scoffed knowing that the boy was just teasing her.

"what did i ever do to you han-kun?" choon-hee faked a sob.

"i'll only stop teasing when you bring me the news that you're finally dating each other." han-kun sniggered while choon-hee started to take her possessions out of her small locker "as if that would happen, anyways i have to go, bye!" choon-hee waved, hurrying out of the staff room "bye guys!".

choon-hee walked through the café door, the bell jingling as she opened the door. the clouds turning a tint of pink above her, choon-hee would have to quickly get home in order to tidy the dorm, have a shower and get changed all before seungmin arrived at 6pm. walking down the streets she stopped by a small bookstore, looking through the windows her eyes rested upon a book that seungmin had on his wishlist for quite some time now. choon-hee checked the time on her phone, it showed 4:28pm she had plenty of time.

choon-hee decided to buy the book to suprise seungmin with. walking into the store she moved towards the shelf with the book, choon-hee grabbed the book and checked the price only to see it was ₩32,940 ( around £20 for my fellow brits and $24.78 for my american readers ). she walked towards the till where she would pay.

"hi may i buy this please?" choon-hee asked.

"of course, i must say that i loved this book. is it for you or someone special?" the lady at the register questioned as she scanned the barcode on the book "your total comes to ₩32,938.83." she told choon-hee

"oh, i'm buying it for my best friend since this book has been on his wish list." choon-hee replied whilst reaching for her purse and paying the sweet old lady. "well thank you and have a great day!" choon-hee smiled "you too!" she chuckled.

choon-hee continued to walk towards her dorm to start getting prepared for her best friend's visit. once she had arrived she unlocked the door only to see the mess that was left throughout the rooms. "better get to work then.." choon-hee sighed. she started with the kitchen, doing the dishes and wiping the counters down, then she moved towards the living room which is where they would be watching the movies.

soon enough choon-hee had pretty much cleaned the whole dorm but she still had to have a shower and get changed. it was currently 5:30 and seungmin was supposed to be here in 30 minutes. choon-hee walked into the bathroom and started to remove her clothes before stepping into the shower.

after she had gotten out of the shower choon-hee had put on some tracksuit bottoms ( sweatpants ), a plain t-shirt and matching fluffy socks. then she headed towards the living room, where she would wait until seungmin arrived. suddenly she heard the doorbell, the sound made her jump but she still ran towards the door then flung it open to be right in front of her best friend; kim seungmin.

"minnie!" choon-hee squealed as she jumped and wrapped her legs around her best friend's waist. seungmin looked at his best friend in shock, not expecting her to jump up onto him so suddenly. yet he still supported her so she wouldn't fall "girl what the fuck?" seungmin exclaims, eyes wide. "are you excited to watch a new drama with me tonight?" choon-hee asked, doing aegyo and acting cute.

seungmin cringed while watching choon-hee try to act cute right in front of his face "choon you gotta stop, you're already in my arms so just stop okay?" seungmin remarked.

choon-hee looked back into seungmin's eyes before looking down and indeed she was still in his arms. never had she felt so embarrassed. "seungmin please put me down." choon-hee muttered, her head still looking down she wouldn't dare look up knowing her face was most definitely red.

"why should i?" seungmin taunted, bringing his face closer to hers "weren't you the one who jumped onto me?"

"just put me down minnie!" choon-hee whined. choon-hee had started to kick her legs, trying to break free from seungmin's hold "jeez okay i'll put you down, only because my arms are getting tired." seungmin smiled teasingly "let's go watch our dramas now, come on choo!" seungmin chirped, skipping into the living room.

choon-hee felt as if she was frozen and her face was still flushed, "how could i do that?" she cried "how embarrassing..".

she walked towards the living room and looked towards the sofa where she could see a head with large eyes peeking up at her "can you hurry up?" seungmin pouted "i just wanna watch my dramas."

"o-oh yeah sorry min." choon-hee exclaimed, awkwardly walking to the sofa. "so what'd you wanna watch today?" choon-hee asked

"there's this new drama out called hotel del luna, let's watch that!" seungmin beamed

"hmm okay." choon-hee replied.

she grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, switching the channel to netflix. "ho...tel...del....lu...naa." choon-hee mumbled whilst typing out the drama name "wait! before we start i need to give you something!" choon-hee mentioned before reaching over the side of the sofa and grabbing a small parcel. it had been wrapped up in a pretty gift wrap and topped off with a cute pink bow on top.

"choo what's this?" seungmin questioned

"just open it and find out!" choon-hee was desperate to get him to open it. she pushed the bundle towards him and seungmin hesitated because he was still a bit confused as of why he was receiving this gift. "hurry up and open it!" choon-hee groaned, her patience slowly draining.

seungmin narrowed his eyes at his friend trying to tell if she was pulling a prank on him. choon-hee rolled her eyes "look if you're not gonna take the gift i'll get a refund for it."

"wait- are you sure this isn't a prank? seungmin queried,

"for the last time seungmin yes..!" choon-hee replied frustratedly.

for a final time seungmin glanced at choon-hee before carefully unwrapping his present making sure to not rip the paper. suddenly his eyes went wide "choon, did you really buy this for me?" the boy asked

"yup!" choon-hee replied happily "i knew that you were looking for it for quite some time, so when i saw it in the bookstore i got it for you!".

seungmin looked at the book then back at choon-hee before trapping her in a hug, almost squeezing all the air out of her lungs. "thank you so much choo! i really love you." seungmin said.

"i love you too min, now get off so we can watch our drama." choon-hee told her best friend, patting his head

"okay!" seungmin giggled as he brought choon-hee closer to him so he could wrap an arm around her, before pressing play.

a/n | finally a new chapter! sorry for the delay school is giving me no time to write and recently i'm so unmotivated but i hope you enjoyed this long chapter!

1372 words🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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