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You were running through the woods away from Sheila and her goons. You had just stolen $10 from her, and now you were paying the price.

"Shit- shit-"

The next thing you know you were on the ground with the feeling of something leaking from your nose. Your vision was blurry from Will cloths-lining you for a few moments until you saw the 4 of them standing over you.

"You're gonna hang, freak." Sheila said.


"Before the witches final breath, she found a way to cheat her death, by cutting off her wicked hand, she kept her grip upon our land.
She reaches out from beyond the grave, to make good men her evil slaves.
She'll take your blood, she'll take your head,
She'll follow you until you're dead."

Will, Becky, Sheila and Annie all sung as they tied up Y/n and pushed him to the ground.

"String him up."

Y/n looked around frantically as he was forcefully pulled to a standing position.

"Stop- stop it- stop!" His hands were now tied above his head and he danced on the tips of his toes to stay stable.

"Let me down, you shits! Let me down!" Y/n yelled, though it only got a few laughs. Sheila walked over and took the money out of his pocket, circling him.

"Well well well, what do we have here? If only you weren't such a looker, this wouldn't be so hard."

"Goddamn thief!"

"No, no, he's no thief. He's possessed by the witch. That's the only way to explain his psycho behaviour."

"Fuck you!" Y/n swung his elbow at Shiela, colliding into her nose. A gasp could be heard as Sheila grunted, earning a smirk from Y/n.

"Guess we're even now."

"You do know what they did to Sarah Fier, right? They hanged her. From this very tree." Now it was the dark haired girl's time to smirk, as she began circling Y/n again.

"But she would've died forever if they did what you always do to occultists. You burn them. Give me your lighter!" She called to Will, who looked at her with confusion.


"Give it to me!" She ripped it out of his hand, turning back to Y/n. "Now hold his legs."

Reluctantly they agreed, as Y/n cried out. "No! No! Ahh!" His flesh began to shrivel as the flame burnt his skin. Thankfully, a whistle was heard and Sheila backed away.

"Shit! Will, its your brother!"

Nick, Kurt, and Ziggy could be spotted running from the woods. Ziggy wasn't originally allowed to come, but she followed anyway.

"The hell is this?! Let him down!"

"Nick, i can explain!"

"Let him down, Will. I swear to god I'll tell mom!"

Will pulled the rope, releasing Y/n from the quite uncomfortable position before and making him crash to the ground. Ziggy ran over, crouching beside him. "Holy shit, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just dandy." Y/n muttered, as Kurt ordered them all into a line.

"I went back to my cabin, the door was open, the next thing i knew all my money was gone and Y/n was just sprinting away."

"Because you were chasing me-" Y/n reasoned.

"Y/n! You'll talk when i tell you to talk." Kurt spoke. "Did you see him take it?"

"Everyone did."


"Alright, well thats it, L/n five strikes. You're out." Kurt gestured with his hands.

"He's out? They just tried to murder him!" Ziggy spoke up.

"Zip it, Berman. I'll deal with them, but first, go back to camp, call mommy, because you're done at nightwing." Kurt whispered the last bit.

"I didnt do it." Y/n shrugged.

"Oh yeah? Just like you didn't set the camp flag on fire? Or steal all the toilet paper from the outhouse? Or fight another camper last week? Or graffiti the outhouse stalls?!

"Everyone graffitis the outhouse stalls." Ziggy interrupted.

"I dont need your help, Berman." Y/n spoke bitterly.

"I warned you."

"Kurt, its not his fault, really. He's possessed, by Sarah Fier." Will spoke, grinning at Y/n, who scoffed and lunged at the boy who just pushed him back into Ziggy's arms.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

"Look, we kick him out, then they're gonna ask about the burn on his arm, then whos in trouble, huh? Why dont we just let this one slide?" Finally, Nick spoke up.

"Alright. One more strike, and you're out for real, L/n. One more."

Y/n ripped himself out of Ziggy's grip and smirked at Kurt.

"Being bossed around by a Goode. Wow, some things never change." Y/n turned around and started walking towards the woods, and Ziggy was quick to follow.

"Shit, Y/n, that was crazy," Y/n turned his head, rolled his eyes and continued walking while wiping the blood from his nose.

"-you definitely are on Kurts radar now, like way more then before. Also, you should probably get that checked out." Ziggy rambled.

"I think I'll just let it get infected and die." The boy spoke plainly.

"C'mon, Nurse Lane is my only friend here. Besides you, but you're like a half friend." Ziggy grabbed Y/n's wrist and dragged him to the nurses cabin.


The bell rung as they stepped inside. "Nurse Lane! Hello? Its not for me this time, help! Nurse lane, C'mon he could die any minute now!"

There was no response, so they began to walk around. Nurse lane was nowhere in sight. "C'mon, sit down. I'll patch you up." Ziggy nodded over to two cots as she got some ointment for the burn.

"Thank you, Nurse Berman." Y/n smiled, watching her sit down and open the cap.

"So, I think with this one you put it on every few days or something, but if you really wanted to die you could just use it like every hour and see what it does." She joked, smiling as she reached for the bandage.

"Only if you'll cook me over a campfire and serve me for lunch next week." Y/n countered, watching her wrap his bicep.

"Deal." Ziggy cut the end and finished wrapping. Once she was done, they locked eyes for a few moments.

"Im sorry for being so mean earlier." Y/n broke the silence, chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"Its fine, actually compared to everyone else, it could've been considered nice." She smiled weakly. "Why did you do it, though?"

"Steal the money? Cause they're all dickheads." He hesitated before speaking again. "And- well- she kinda picks on you all the time." Y/n admitted, rubbing his shorts fabric between his fingers.

Ziggy stared at him, without speaking for a while. He was the only other person at camp Nightwing to care about her. Slowly, she leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips which he returned.

"That was a thank you. But next time, don't get yourself beat up over me."

(Hi! Longest oneshot ive done, but 95% of it was just canon. Hope you enjoy my take on Ziggy! If u have any requests feel free to comment!

Didnt reread.)

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