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You were currently sat in the mess hall, eating lunch. Your older brother Arnie was on your left, Tommy was to your right and Ziggy, Alice, and Cindy were across from you. Everyone was engulfed in the conversation, until Nick Goode came over and tapped Ziggy on the shoulder.

"Hey, Ziggy." Nick spoke.

They all looked up at him, confused. What business did he have with Ziggy?

"Uh- hi?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Can i talk to you for a second? Like, alone?"

Ziggy looked around, silently asking for everyone's approval. They all kind of just shrugged, except for Y/n who put his head down. He felt mad at Ziggy for some reason. They weren't dating, so why did it matter? Nick never said anything romantic either. Why did Y/n just assume he meant it that way?

"Yeah, I guess. Make it quick though." Ziggy got up from the picnic table and followed Nick away to a corner of the hall.

"Kind of weird, isn't it? I mean- a guy like Goode wanting to privately to a shadysider?" Alice inquired.

"It's gross. I have a bad feeling about him." Y/n spoke bitterly, staring at the pair.

"C'mon, Y/n, don't be like that. You're just jealous." Arnie chuckled, taking his brother into a headlock, who pushed him off immediately.

"I am not jealous. I don't care who Z' talks too. Just not that guy." Y/n sighed and pushed his plate away. The whole manner killed his appetite.

"Oh, Z! Please, only talk to me! I'm so madly in lo-" Tommy cried out dramatically. He only shut up when Y/n slapped his hand over his mouth.

"Tommy, let it go! I think it's cute, Y/n liking my sist-"

"I DONT LIKE ZIGGY!" Y/n yelled, drawing the attention of everyone in the mess hall. He gulped, looking around. He quickly got up and speed-walked to the doors but not without seeing Nick leaning in with Ziggy backed into a corner. He hesitated but decided to just walk out.


A few minutes later, Ziggy was knocking on Y/n's cabin door. Obviously she had heard what he said but wanted to know what it was about.

"Y/n?! C'mon, I know you're in there!" Ziggy called out, banging on the door.

"Go away, Ziggy!"

"I just wanna talk!"

"Thats what the cops say!"

Instead of answering, Ziggy took out a hairpin and picked the lock. Pushing the door open, she gave him a look.

"I don't like you." Y/n immediately spoke.

"I never said you did."

"How did Nick taste?"

"What are you talking about?"

"C'mon, Ziggy. The entire mess hall saw you eating each others faces."

"We didn't even kiss! Yeah, okay, he tried but how do you think it ended?" Ziggy crossed her arms.

"His hand on your ass?" Y/n responded sarcastically.

"How about my right hook?!" The girl pursed her lips.

"Y-.. you don't like Nick?" Y/n questioned stupidly.

"God no! Why would you think that?" Ziggy sat down next to him on his bed.

"Well- he's older, smart, handso-" He was caught off by Ziggy smashing her lips onto his.

"I must've sounded pretty stupid, huh.." Y/n whispered, as the two teens gazed into each others eyes.

"Yeah, but,"  Ziggy's face broke out into a smile. "It was kinda cute."

"Guess I'll have to be dramatic more often, then." Y/n smiled, pressing his lips to hers once more.

(A/N: hi! I hate this, but i wanted to update because someone asked about this book. And starting an actually story, i didnt want anyone to think i forgot abt it)

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