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Ariana's POV

It's been three years that me and Niall have been together. Niall asked me to marry him, I said yes of course. Maddy and I have become really close friends. "Ariana where are you?" I heard someone call. "I'm in here!" I yelled and the door swung open. "Is everything okay?" I asked Maddy she looked a little worried. "Yeah there is a huge problem." I felt my eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean there's a problem. There can't be a problem!" I almost yelled as I now paced back and forth across the room I was in. "None can find Niall." My head shot up."Where is he, there can be no wedding without Niall. Did you try calling him?" She got a dumb and embarrassed look on her face. She shook her head no and I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone. I dialed Niall's number. "Hello?" He answered on the first ring. "Niall, where the hell are you?" I almost screamed into the phone. "I'm at home, babe."he said so casually like we weren't suppose to get married in an hour. "Niall why a re you at home? What's wrong?" I asked more calmly now. "Nothing, I know I am late and I'm on my way back now. I promise it was nothing." I hung up the phone and sat down in my chair. "We'll where is he? Is he coming back." I nodded and Erin finished doing my make up and hair. Maddy left the room and I looked in the mirror, how did I come this far.

There was another knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. Harry walked in with a smile on his face. "It's time." He smiled and I nodded. "Where's my baby." I asked looking around. Yes me and Niall had a baby he name is Bryn. She in now one years old and walks. She only knows how to say mommy,daddy, the boys name and nana for my mom and a couple other words. "She's with Niall." Harry insisted on walking me down the isle, I agreed. Harry and I have become best friends ver the years. The music started to play and I immediately got butterfly's in my stomach. When I looked up I could see Niall's bright smile as he started at me. I felt my cheeks turn red. Bryn was standing right next to him. When I got up there Niall immediately grabbed my hand. The man went on and on until he finally got the part. "Niall will you take Ariana Fea Cooper to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He looked me right in the eyes and answered. "I Do." The man turned to me. "Ariana will you take Niall James Horan to be your lawfully wedded husband. I place my hand on his cheek. "I Do." The man through his hands in the air. "You may now kiss the bride." Niall leaned in and kissed me and I kissed back. His lips still made sparks fly when he kissed me. There where cheers all around when Niall and I finally pulled apart.

"Mommy!" I heard Bryn yell as she ran across the dance floor. "What is it baby girl?" I asked picking her up."Daddy wanted me to give this to you." She said handing me a little box. I opened it to find my grandmothers ring that she left me in her will. I thought I had lost it. "Momma why are you crying, are you sad?" She asked wiping the tear that slipped down my cheek. "No I think she's happy." I heard someone say. I turned around to find my mom standing there with Niall behind her smiling like a idiot. "Here did you guys find it? I haven't seen it in two years." I said and Niall walked over to me. "It's a long story and tonight is not the night for it." He said kissing my lips once more and then Bryn's forehead. "I love you to and don't you ever forget it." I nodded and rested my head on his chest and Bryn climbed into his arms. "I love you to daddy." She whispered.

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