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I keep running and running until I finally reach the park gates. I begin to walk down the mildly busy street.

The sky that was once a bright baby blue was now a soft gray.

I was about to head home to gather my thoughts when I felt something drop on my head.

I feel another and another.

Until I realized that it had begun to rain and everyone was heading indoors. Locking their windows and closing their doors.

I dash to the nearest store and dry my face using my shirt.

I look around and it turns out I ran into a record store.

The doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon so I might as well browse their catalogue.

While looking at the record display at the front window something outside catches my eye.

A couple sharing an umbrella they both looked happy enjoying their time together.

I felt my heart ach.

Memories of when me and Celio began dating started to flood my mind.

Back when Celio was so sweet and affectionate towards me.

Back when he always made time with me.

Back when everything was okay.

Now Celio has become distant, harsh and unpredictable towards me.

I want to be like the couples in the movies, playing catch on the beach, sharing milkshakes, and kissing at the drive through movies.

Does Celio not want that as well...

I start to grip my chest as I hold back tears

I did not like the idea of crying in public so I quickly brushed my face and reconciled myself.

I go back to checking out the music in the store. I pick out the Queen album and give it one good look before I drop it.

I own this album and I really liked it so I will probably purchase their newest album a night at the opera.

As I walk towards the front desk I hear a beautiful song playing in the back.

Although I didn't understand what they were saying. It somehow managed to pull me in.

The only words I managed to make out are

"Baby, why I'm so lonely?"

"Excuse me, excuse me!"

The man at the store cashier turns to me.

"Yes, how may I help you"

"I wanna know more about this song"

"What song?"

"The song playing right now"

"Oooohh, This song is from a very popular korean girl group called Wonder girls. I don't have any translations and I obviously can't speak korean so your kinda outta luck kid."

I pick out the record from the front shelf and take out my wallet to purchase it.

"Look kid, I can clearly see that you had a really hard day, plus your really cute so this ones on the house"

The man gives me a snarky grin and I smile back at him before leaving the store. I walk down the empty street as the sun shine reflects on the puddles. Although I was still feeling heartbroken from Celio I felt a lot better after buying a new record for myself.

I shouldn't be worrying too much summer vacation is coming up and I wanna have a good time.

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