28. Reckless Hearts

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-song for this chapter above-

When Monday morning hit, Storm felt like she had been struck by a train. She was late as per usual, and desperately wishing to wake up with an awful flu to escape a looming encounter with Jack but that morning and for the next two days, she didn't see him. It slipped her mind he had been suspended for the fight the previous week with Luca. In his absence, Storm hoped to decode her feelings, but soon realized her conflicting emotions couldn't be untangled until she faced Jack again.

"Have you heard from Jack?" Hudson asked that Monday morning as they walked to English Lit together. He reached for her hand, but she recoiled at his touch ridden by shame.

"No," she replied as she used both hands now to hold onto her heavy English text book against her chest like a shield.

"He's been dodging my calls since yesterday. Maybe we should go see him after school," he proposed.

Storm's heart fluttered at the possibility. "I think we should give him his space Huds," she said quickly. "You know how he is."

Hudson agreed.

During History, the only class she had with Jack, Storm would find herself staring at his empty seat, wondering what he was doing with all the spare time and desperately wanting to know what was going on in his post-Saturday-night brain. Not knowing kept her up at night. She feared what would happen when she saw him again. Maybe he would never speak to her again. The mere thought made her panic in silence.

Thursday morning at 7AM was when she saw him again. He was parked outside her house in his jeep, beeping the horn louder than ever.

Looking at her alarm clock, she pulled her hair into a hasty bun, wriggled her hips into a jean skirt and hastily threw on a half- shouldered top she wore to lounge around the house.

The horn beeped again and she could hear Hudson's chipper voice shouting from the window. Would things be normal again? She felt a lunge of relief at that possibility.

Grabbing a donut and holding it in her mouth, she quickly gathered her things and rushed out the door.

Jack was at the wheel. Maybe things were back to normal. Maybe we can pretend it never happened.

"Gosh, you're gorgeous even on your worst days." Hudson turned around, giving her a peck on the lips, grabbing her bag immediately.

Storm settled into the passenger seat, removing the donut from her mouth. "Was that meant to be a compliment?"

"Oh, may I have a nibble?" Hudson asked, distracted by the delectable cinnamon sugar donut.

Storm rolled her eyes, handing him the donut reluctantly- it was the only thing she was looking forward to during the tension filled ride to school.

"Jack, care for a bite?" Hudson offered.

"Processed sugar? Nah, I'll pass."

"Suit yourself." Hudson took a big bite savoring the piece. He then pulled out two shiny gold tickets from his book bag. "Look what arrived in the mail," he announced, sugar frosting now stuck to the corners of his mouth.

They were two tickets to centennial. Storm examined them closely, sneaking a quick peek at the rearview mirror, where Jack's gaze was already locked on her.

Their fixed stares rekindled forbidden memories . She tore her eyes away quickly and decided she would avoid his eyes for the rest of the day.

Storm jumped in her seat. "How did you get them so fast?"

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