Truth or dare?

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Y/n- *chewing food in her mouth* We have a clubhouse here right?

Tae- Yeah, we can attend it either today or tomorrow

Jungkook- I see

Jimin- Shall we go tonight then?

Jungkook and y/n- Yeahhh

Tae- Fine, it's at 11 p.m.

Y/n- Let's eat, play something, get ready and go  

Everyone- Okayy


Everyone were walking by the pool side, chit chatting.

Y/n- Jimin, I heard you are trained in martial arts.

Jimin- Yeah

Y/n- Well, I know karate, let's have a fight then..

Tae- Are you out of your sense!? I mean, why do you wanna fight?

Y/n- Simply, to check Jimin's power

Tae- Does she like Jimin by any chance *I thought

Jimin- Yeah y/n let's fight, but tomorrow

Y/n- Why not now??

Tae- Let me tell, reason no. 1, you are wearing a short dress and there are guys behind, reason no.2, we just now had our dinner, reason no. 3, I don't wanna see you lose from Jiminiee *laughs

Jungkook- *laughs and gives a hi-fi

Y/n- You..! Watch me!.. *does a jump kick

As they were walking by pool, y/n slipped her leg and was about to fall in the water, but, Taehyung held her by her waist..

( A/n- What a moment! I wish it could happen in real life T_T )

Y/n- Aaaaa!! ( I felt Tae's hand on my waist and his face close to mine, we were exchanging our breaths. SO HANDSOME!! I thought.. )

Plot twist- Y/n and Tae liked each other in middle school, but never told each other and hid their feelings.

Tae- A..Are you fine? *stood back

Y/n- Ye..yeahh

Jungkook- Overconfident brat, why did you save her Tae? Would have left her drown

Y/n- *gives puppy eyes while bowing her head indicating sorry

Jungkook- Yeah, yeah fine. Now tell, what shall we play?

Tae- Truth or dare! ( I will get to know more about Y/n, I thought ) 

Y/n- My favourite game! Let's play!

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