The bikini

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The man... let's call him 'James' has an obsession with bikinis, he wears them everyday but there is only one bikini he typically wears; the bikini was beautiful, pink with white polka dots, of course he would be inlove with it! Until it began to speak... calling him "Piña colada head" and "Pineapple weenie". James got furious, smoke fuming from how frustrated he was which made him rip off his bikini and eat it, tearing the thin fabric with his yellow crooked teeth. When he finished eating his bikini, he screamed in a low demonic voice "YOU SHALL NEVER SPEAK AGAIN!"

The next week he bought a new bikini, a bikini with flower patterns with the colours of blue, yellow, pink and green. He was happy and filled with pride, walking around in the streets with his new tight bikini. However when he sat down on a bench eating a hotdog he started to feel... naked?... how could this be? He looked down on himself and saw that the flowers had died and crumbled, leaving him naked and exposed to the public as he frantically looked around for a way out to hide his exposed body.

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