The baby and the girl

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As she placed the lollipop in her mouth she began to seductively suck on it, letting a few soft feminine moans escape her lips. The baby took her hand as they started walkimg away from the confused men, into the sunset.

The baby turned to her with loving eyes as he whispered in a serious, raspy low tone "Go Go Ga Ga", the girl's eyes widened and were filled with happy tears. The baby kissed her hand romantically, leaving his baby lips on the 13 year old girl's hand for more than 2 minutes, 57 seconds and 4 microseconds. The girl wanted to jump in his arms but she knew better, if she did she would crush him like a swatted fly so instead she threw him 4 meters up in the air and catched him. They remained eyecontact with raw tension before the girl planted a kiss on his baby soft lips.

                                                  THE END

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