7. Sick

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The boys had been back from their leave and where getting back to the busy schedules with the year end award shows coming up in a month's time and as usual a lot of pressure regarding the performance's success came on to Yeonjun's shoulder and as a result he was quite stressed and the boys knew it so when that morning Yeonjun fainted during their dance practice the boys were scared but not shocked .

Luckily Yeonjun woke up soon enough so the medic just dismissed it saying it must be stress and to contact her if it happens again. This annoyed the other members but Yeonjun assured them it's fine and that he feel better . But that was obviously a lie . He was struggling to get through the routine and could wait to get back to the dorms .

Even though he tried his best when the part where he hard to do a backflip came his stomach began to churn and soon as he was done with the flip he ran out to the washroom to throw up with Beomgyu running behind him followed by the others.

After Yeonjun was done empty his lunch into the toiled he washed his face and his mouth and turned around only to be engulfed into a hug by Beomgyu.

Bg: hyung what happened you had us all worried

Yj: even I don't know gyu . I really wanna continue practice but seriously can't . And I don't even know how to explain what's happening to me ..

Saying this Yeonjun started crying soon felt himself being pulled away from Beomgyu and into the arms of Soobin, he could just tell by the scent. The crying boy just buried himself further into the taller's chest feeling a little bit better .

Sb: want me to carry you hyung ?

Yj: (nodes) but... But it's embarrassing right for you everyone will stare at us .

Th: no one with stare hyung . And even if they do just let them stare your obviously in distress and being in Soobin hyung's arms are clearly bringing you some sort of comfort so that's what's important , not people stares.

Yj: ok you but you can just give me a piggy back right it's equally comforting.

Sb: if that's what you want then fine hope on

With that Soobin carried Yeonjun to the break room but by the time they reached there Yeonjun was already asleep so with Huening Kai's help Soobin layed the sleeping omega down on the couch before checking his phone which had been vibrating in his pocket for some time now . And upon checking he saw it was Changbin so he quickly took the call.


Sb: hello hyung ... How are you?

Cb: I'm fine . But is Yeonjun ok it's been over 2 hours with no reply from him . I even tried calling him but no response

Sb: ahh his phone must be on silent but actually hyung Yeonjun hyung is quite sick so we were about to head back to our dorms in a few .

Cb: ahh in that case bye once you reach home ask him if he is fine with visitors I want to come see him.

Sb: ahh I don't think he will say no to a visit from you hyung but just in case I'll ask once he wakes up and call you back

With that the phone call ended and the 5 of them left for their dorm after informing their manager about Yeonjun's health .

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