;3 My God is awesome, He can move mountains ;3

8 1 0

"jesse... it wasnt .... me..."

Jesse sat on the curb with an empty beer bottle he had turned inside out. He was scared, confused, angry, and sad. 

"Then who was it? Who killed gus?"

thirty minutes before

"No, there is no other one I can't have any other one" The lyrics blared in her head as she drunkenly crashed into the walls of walts house haus party/.

She had so much black hair on her head and a bit of a gothy look kind of punk like sid veacous. Her name? Jane. She loved drugs and needles  I think I'm sinking down / And I'm all strung out on heroin is another lyric in her head.

"Yoo-hoo disco boy!" sal goodman came inching towards her on his fours "How about the you play the song herion by lana del ray" said jane! saul started crying "thats an innopropriate joke to make i know  youre in rehab "

"Yeah whatevs" OH SH$#)*%#!!! She remembered about gus is died she has to pin it on someone .She took a boxcutter and put red food coloring on him than put in the garbage can then income jesse so hammered poor cutie tehe vomiting uncrontrollably like a cute cat after drinking milks and he sees thek nife puts two and two together. It was mister white who tooks his life????!?!?

back to presents

Jane slams the door becasse its past her curfew she gotts ti gi?

"Me and jane.... we old cohorts we use to be dating"

jesse stuglled to wrap his mind around it


Author note: sorry for short chapter, my entire family went messing and im in hiding because im next./ I'm writing to you from inside the sewer. I had no previous conncections to the mafia or any wars in the middle east but now I haave to in order to survive. Sometimes at night i can still here the voice of my litttle brothr clatterung against my ears yelping "save me save me SAVE ME!" Ransom is a diffucalt crime when you are holding someones schild RANSOM in a box in the sewer. I would know form experience. This is all I can muster, dear readers. Until next times


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