My Rouge Luna

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Chapter One
Time To Work
Christas P.O.V

I opened my eyes to the sun shining through the curtains of the Brooklyn brownstone. "Another day another dollar" I said to myself as I rolled out of bed, walking up to the floor length windows stretching. It wasn't until I saw the neighbor across the street abruptly close her curtains that I remembered I was naked. I began laughing hysterically out loud people were so uptight.
As I turned away from the window my phone began to ring. I walked over to answer the phone, making sure I had a switch in my walk in case the neighbor still watching me secretly through her curtains.I looked down at the phone it was my father. I quickly answered. "Hola Papi how are you"?I said with a smile it had been weeks since we spoke.
"Hola Niña" he replied coldly "unfortunately honey this is not a social call there is work to be done" I knew what that meant it was time to work. "Understood we will be there". I hung up immediately broke the phone in half and threw it in the toilet I turned the shower on as hot as it would go and stepped in. My wolf stirred she was always agitated with me we never agreed on the life I chose to live so she remained dormant but lately she's more and more agitated, more and more irritated almost like she's preparing for something I quickly finish, showering suppressing those thoughts I dressed in a black lace bra, tight fitting black leather pants and my biker vest I wore with everything it was my most prized possession. It showed that I had a family I was an alpha with my own pack a pack I chose. My girls we called ourselves (devoradores de hombres) which means man eaters in Spanish. The biker vest was emblished with a sun crest split down the middle to reveal a black mamba. I braided my hair in two braids put on my biker gloves and went downstairs to the living room. I quickly packed my belongings into my duffel bag and set it by the door only taking out my shiny silver Glock 19. I walked over to the living room where the owner of the Brooklyn brownstone I was using was tied to a chair naked duck tape covering his mouth. I squatted down in front of him tilted my head slightly to the left and said sweetly
"Hey boo I missed you in the bed last night"
He began to squirm uncomfortably. "I'm gonna take this tape off you mouth, If you scream I'm gonna shoot you between those damn sexy green eyes okay Collin"? I asked using his name he nodded. I straddled his lap sexily and slowly peeled the tape to reveal a set of sexy strong lips he was so handsome.
"Christa why are you doing this to me"? Asked collin tears running down his face
"Well" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck "Collin I was hired to track you down" "you made some bad investments and stole some money from very important men, you can give it back and live or you can keep it and die" he looked pale as a ghost "It's been years how did they find me he asked"? "Oh no honey don't give them my credit all they gave me was a picture and a name, I found you and you were so damn easy" I stood up and pinched his cheeks "now it's been a very fun 6 months but I'm gonna need that money Collin" I pulled the gun from my waistband and pointed it at my lover. He began to plead with me for his life my stomach growled my wolf whined we were hungry.
"Collin enough"! "Where is the damn money"
"IT'S BEHIND THE PAINTING ON THE WALL" I turned around to the beautiful painting of they New York skyline I removed the painting to see a safe before I could even ask Collin spoke up. "It's your birthday" I was honestly touched, at how easy this was. I opened the safe and quick packed the money into my bag. "Collin baby it's been a time but unfortunately your time with me is up" I screwed on the silencer to my gun while my back was turned i quickly turned around and shot collin twice in the head. I walked out hailed a cab and headed for the airport it was time to work.

Chapter two
My Girls
Christas P.O.V

Once I arrived at the airport i quickly took apart my gun in the back of the cab, I could feel the cab driver Staring at me through the rear view mirror he was to busy looking at my boobs then what was going on in my hands. After tossing the gun in a near by trash can I went in and purchased a one way ticket to Atlanta,Georgia. Pulling a piece of paper out of my back pocket for the locker number my father previously gave me to make the drop. As I walk through the airport to where the employees keep they're things and saw locker number 83 I put the duffel bag inside of it and grabbed the brand new burner phone. The phone began to ring as I closed the locker and walked away. "Is it done"? asked my father. "Yes sir the drop has been made and the target had been eliminated" I said eagerly trying to please my father. "Good" he said in return "I'll meet you tonight we'll have dinner at your place with the girls". "Okay daddy I'll see you then" I hung up the phone and went to catch my flight it was about 12 o'clock in the afternoon my flight would land at 2:30 and I would be home with my sisters my girls. They were heavily on my mind as I boarded the plane. I ran a crew of four girls other than myself Serenity was a 22 year old she-wolf and was Afro-Latina she stood about 5'7 had golden brown skin beautiful hazel eyes and had brown curly hair down to her back. I met her in Miami while doing some work for the Haitian packs she was getting beat up by some drunk asshole so i decided to slap him around to see how it felt we have been together since.Next was Aaliyah she was a 23 year old witch without a coven and could kill with the best of them. She was about 5,5 with chocolate brown eyes fire engine red dread locs and had a body to die for. We met in the Virgin Islands somehow we ended up on the same job with the same target after almost killing each other we figured we'd work together and we were one hell of a team. Lastly my baby Normani she was the newest 21 year old baby girl with beautiful long jet black hair green eyes she was full blood Mexican and had a very short temper. 2 years ago while on a midnight run in our she wolf forms me and serenity ran into her walking half naked through the woods covered in blood with no memory if who she was or where she came from just a name Normani Rose. I snapped out of my daydream to find the flight landed. I headed to the airport garage where my bike was stored I rode a Kawasaki ninja H2 R all black and the fastest bike in northern American. I laced my steel toe boots up tight jumped my bike and headed home. Weaving in and out of the hectic traffic until arriving home . I parked my bike in the driveway next to serenity's green ninja Aaliyah's red one and normanis hot pink one.
"Hey hookers im home" I sang as I opened the door
Aaliyah and serenity were in the living room they looked up and smiled. "We thought we never gonna see you again miss real housewives of New York" joked Aaliyah
"Yeah girl that boy toy must have had a spell on you cause 6 months is a long time for a job you could have done in a few weeks" chimed in serenity I rolled my eyes as I turned to go up stairs normani jumped and hugged me "I missed you so much" she squealed. "Hey kid I said hugging her back" she released me from my hug. "Ok man eaters" that was what we called ourselves "daddy will be coming for dinner and we have a job to go over so let's get this place ready". Aaliyah began to chant something in Latin as she chanted the house began to clean itself dishes washed themselves delicious food appeared on the long dinning room table all the candles lit themselves and salsa music started to play from the stereo. "Damn girl" said serenity "can you do that with my laundry" we all began to laugh Hysterically. "I've been working on a few new spells glad you girls like" as the house continued to clean on its own I went upstairs to get ready for what I thought was a regular dinner but would indeed turn out to be the job that changed my life forever.

Daddies girl

Once showered I dressed in a white sundress I put my long hair into a ponytail and put on my dream catcher earrings Aaliyah made for me. I sat down on my bed and looked at the ring I took out of collins safe he intended to propose to me he honestly was one of the sweeter men I had ever known but a job is a job I put the ring in a box I kept under my bed a box that contained 6 other engagement rings.
I could hear the music coming from downstairs I smelled the delicious food and then as I descended the last step I saw my father, Enrique he was dancing to Héctor Lavoe with normani. They were twirling and dancing in circles, laughing and smiling as Serenity and Aaliyah set the table. I walked up to my father and normani "may I cut in" I asked looking at a Normani she smiled sweetly as only she could, and said "of course" my father took my hand and we began to dance. "Hi daddy" I put my head on his chest my father was 6,3 full blood Mexican with dark brown skin he was from Texas so he was a bit of a cowboy always in snake skin cowboy boots he kept his hair in a long black braid down his back and always wore his black cowboy hat my mother got him for their wedding day. The evening was full of laughs, dancing jokes and eating great food, tamales empanadas, chicken rice we ate until our hearts, minds, and bellies were full. After dinner had been cleaned up we sat around the table and daddy began to tell us about our next assignment. "Christa" he sighed "this job is the one we have been waiting for for 22 years," my eyes widened "I believe i had a real lead in who killed your mother" tears welled up in my eyes "I have never kept anything from you daughter you know we come from the Dios del sol pack" he stood up and walked toward his brief case where he grabbed a Manila envelope he dumped the contents onto the table "I have reason to believe that the current Alpha of this pack Carlos Santana Rivera" he held up a photo of the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on curly brown hair, fair skin golden brown eyes and even though he was fully dressed in an Armani 3 piece suit I knew he had the body of a god under there. My wolf whined at the photo she wanted to ravish this man in the photo. "I believe he is the final piece in figuring out who killed my wife" I was in shock as my father spoke those words. Normani spoke "Mr Enrique isn't this the pack that you walked away from aren't you the real alpha of this pack?" she questioned "yes mani I am, I was". "So doesn't that make this man this Carlos your second in command your beta"."It dose Carlos was my beta he was very young when I gave him the role he was ruthless and loyal to me and the pack or so I thought". " Once my Luna was killed I didn't know who or what to trust loosing a mate is the hardest most torturous thing a werewolf could ever go through I couldn't take the pain I abandoned my pack I took christa and left and now 22 years later I will finally know what happened that night". "Dad I'm confused how are we supposed to get to an Alpha of one of the most dangerous packs in world" "yeah Mr E" chimed in Serenity "this sounds crazy dangerous"
Aaliyah who had been quiet the entire conversation playing with her necklace finally looked up and spoke "This job is gonna get somebody killed I can feel it in my bones". Chills ran up my spine as she spoke those words one thing about Aaliyah when she had a feeling we took it serious because it always came to pass. My father pulled out another photo you will get to him through his brother and beta Xavier Rivera he is the target you will take him and hold him for ransom the alpha will pay whatever for his brother and when he comes you will take him to". "Aaliyah your gonna need to whip up two very strong potions strong enough to subdue an Alpha and his beta make sure the contain wolfsbane and a lot of it" commanded my father "you girls leave in the morning here's you plane tickets and burner phones do your research contact me once you have the targets not before and christa" he looked down at me he could see the tears and fear in my eyes "make daddy proud" he turned on his heels and walked out the door. I sat there for a while as the girls worked and packed around me looking at the pictures of these two men I was so drawn to them I couldn't understand what or why I felt like this I was confused and for the first time in a long time I was scared. I slept with a heavy mind that night I could feel death close by looming over my home I didn't know who she was coming for but she wasn't gonna get one of us without a damn good fight.

Chapter 4
The Rivera Brothers
Carlos's P.O.V

It was 110 degrees outside and it was only 6am I thought to myself as I started my morning run. Running at full speed around the grounds of the pack house. Bad bunny playing in my ears I felt sweat dripping down my body I felt the ground shake under every stride I took I felt power in my veins and I felt strong! I continued my run nodding to the pack members as I passed them by. Stepping into the role of Alpha when I turned 15 the youngest alpha in the history of the Dios del sol pack, not bring born to be an alpha was very challenging but when our alpha Enrique abandoned us after the tragic killing of his mate I was the only choice as he newly choosen beta succeeding, my own father. Unfortunately when he left he took his heir with him the child was newly born and we didn't know if it was a boy or girl. I worked hard at slowly dragging this pack out of the Stone Age and making some serious connections paid off we had our hands in everything oil, real estate, and night clubs, but the thing that brought us the most money was Guns. We stayed out of human affairs and their wars but boy oh boy did humans love their guns. The gun trade brought in millions of dollars so not only did I have the largest pack we were wealthy as well. After completing my run I entered the pack house where my beta who was also my brother Xavier Rivera was waiting along with my third in command my Gamma Selma Velez. We have important things to do today Carlos I told you this yesterday" began Selma she sounded irritated with me but honestly she was always irritated with me. "I know Selma we'll get it done" I started up the grand white and gold swirled marble stair case turning down the first floor hallway to my office "what's first on the agenda" My brother Xavier opened his iPhone looking at his notes " you have a meeting with the Alphas from the Vegas, Miami, New York, and Virgin Island packs " he put down his phone and looked at me sternly "it's about the rouge she wolves" I rolled my eyes these girls have been a huge pain in my side for the last two years and it was time to do something about it but they were surprisingly hard to track down. I walked into my office bathroom and began to shower my brother spoke to me from the door while gamma Selma chatted on her phone in the background
"Hermano, brother we need to fix this problem fast the other Alphas already think we're weak because your not a natural born alpha"
"Xavi I command a pack of over 12,000 werewolves that's more than any pack in this country I have crushed more rival pack threats than any other alpha this pack has ever had,were are the richest we've ever been I don't need to prove anyone anything"! "Carlos your not out there amigo you don't hear the whispers the rumors the pack wants its real alpha they wanna find Enrique's heir we need to show them your their Alpha now despite who the real one is" I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist "listen here Javier the only reason I haven't torn your head off is cause your my baby brother but listen to me and listen good" I could feel the heat radiating through my body I was shaking my wolf was pissed
" Rip his throat out"growled my wolf
I pushed that thought out of my mind "The next time you repeat that real alpha bullshit to me I'm gonna tear your head off and give it to our mother for a fucking Christmas gift"
Javier's eyes went black his hands turned to claws and his teeth to fangs he hated to be threatened he poised for position I did the same ready to fight. Selma stepped between us head down looking at her phone "if you gentlemen are done swinging dicks the other Alphas are arriving" xavi turned and left the room I could hear him stomping down the hall. Selma left to follow him. I dressed in a 3 piece navy blue white pen stripped Tom ford suit with a red tie and brown snake skin dress shoes i slicked my hair back with a comb and water added a few splashes of cologne and was ready to meet with the other Alphas.
As previously discussed I took this meeting out in the courtyard I walked over to see the help providing drinks to my guest I sat down at the head of the table "Amigos welcome to mi casa"
I lit the cigar that was in place in front of me my brother and Selma sat to the right and left of me.
"You know why we're here a month ago you promised us the heads of the she wolves yet here we are with nothing and my cousin Collin is dead "! Screamed Alpha Dominic he was from the New York pack and was always a bit high strung I remained calm "Dominic you asshole your cousin is dead cause he ran off with a quarter of a million dollars that belonged to the Italian mob" I replied harshly, I looked him right in his eyes he seemed to know I meant business he relaxed "Alpha Carlos" I turned my head in the direction of the voice it was Alpha Adonis from the Virgin Island packs he was a long time friend and ally of mine. "despite the reason he was hunted and killed it's dose not Change the fact that those rouge she wolves are killing members of our packs we have laws we handle our own from within this has to stop" I nodded my head in agreement "Alphas I understand your fear. I understand your concern, but as of right now I have no leads, I have no idea who these women are or where they come from." I stood up and began walking around the table " I'm not the smartest, but what I do know is wolves and humans are hiring these rouges to deal with problems our pack laws won't allow them to do" I touched Alpha Dominic's shoulder " we have to work together despite all of our differences" I looked around the table " somebody knows something about these women they didn't appear out of thin air. Somebody knows how to contact them. Somebody knows where to find them and we're gonna start with their last known hit alpha Dominic,I need a list of everyone Collin was in trouble with,who he was friends with ,where he was living, I wanna know who he was sleeping with and in those questions we will find our answer" I sat back down at my seat as the other Alphas began discussing amongst themselves gamma selma tapped me on my shoulder. " I will fly back to New York with the gringos and find out anything I can" she got up from the table to prepare for her travels I looked over at my brother who seemed to be lost in thought I let him be and continued my discussion with the other Alphas, once I dealt with these rouges my life could continue on business as usual.

After the meeting myself and my brother left the pack house and went to see about small pack matters we we're building a school and also overseeing the training of newly turned teenage werewolves. "Alpha" my brother came from behind me "I just finished a call with the private investigator we hired he has news and wants to meet" I quickly said my thanks and goodbyes to Herman and the team finally we had answers.
My Brother drove to a bar the p.I had chosen it was on the outskirts of the pack lands and was honestly a real fucking dump. It was called the red room mostly drug dealers and gamblers frequented this place. We walked in and sat at the bar I saw a few people left uncomfortable with their alpha being in the same place they committed their crimes in.
"Two doubles of patron on ice" xavi said to the bartender as she walked over to us.
"Si señor avíseme si necesita algo más" my brother looked puzzled I began laughing "your the worst Mexican ever bro" I said through burst of laughter "you gotta get frequent in your Spanish man she said to let her know if you need anything else" i playfully punched his shoulder "I'm taking classes bro I go to this place in downtown Huston twice a week mi es Spanish will be muy bueno" he said while making a very bad Spanish accent. We turned our heads to see the P.I walking into the bar "Gentleman" he greeted us with a nod. He sat at the bar "I'm gonna dive right into it as I'm pressed for time it's the wife's birthday" he handed me an envelope. The envelope contained three pictures of two women leaving a motel and getting onto two motorcycles one red and one green. The one female had fire engine red locs and the other had long beautiful curls. "What am I looking at hermano" I asked the P.I "A month or so ago a werewolf named Jahil Robinson was killed at this motel in downtown Atlanta,jahil had a Violent history of hunting , raping and killing female werewolves".For some odd reason when questioned the staff of this motel had no record of Jahil or the two women coming or going despite Jahils body being completely dismembered and spread across the room". I couldn't believe what I was hearing these two tiny females killed and dismembered a full grown werewolf. "This lead me to believe" continued Herman "magic was involved"! My jaw dropped I couldn't believe it never crossed my mind. "Are you saying one of these girls is a witch" asked my brother. "That's exactly what I'm saying". It all made sense now a witch was helping them by wiping memory's and covering their scents so they couldn't be tracked down. "once I connected the dots I used my contacts to see if I could figure out who these girls were". "The one with the red locs is Aaliyah Demby, a witch born to a coven in New Orleans humans hunted her coven to near extinction her parents were burned at the stake after she killed and cursed her parents killer she went on to become an assassin and she is known to be thee most powerful witch in the south" "How do we find her" I asked sternly. "You need a witch to find a witch bro" Xavier said while looking at the girls in the photo. He was right I needed a location spell and something that belong to this witch to find her. "Heman wasn't there something left behind at the hotel room" "Absolutely Alpha he pulled out an evidence bag it was a dream catcher earring "I'm not sure which girl it belongs to but they are most likely still together so where you find one you'll find the other" finally we were gonna catch these girls and put an end to my problem with the other Alphas. I had more pressing issues I was 37 with no heir and no mate it was time to find a suitable wife to be Luna of my pack and bear me a child to lead my pack when I retired.

Chapter 5
Mission impossible
Aaliyah's P.O.V

As our plane landed into Huston I felt the hairs on my neck stand up. We should not be here. This mission has rubbed me the wrong way since Mr Enrique went over the details with us, it's to close to home for her I worried for my dear friend christa, but more importantly I was worried about what skeletons were gonna fall out of her closet was she really ready to come face to face with her past.

The flight to Huston had been a silent one I was deep in thought and so were my sisters. We went down into the Airport garage to find a car I missed my bike already I hated riding in a cage. "What about this one" Serenity pointed at an all black Mercedes Benz truck. "That'll work" I smiled confidently. Serenity began breaking into the truck and within 5 minutes she had it hot wired and ready to go we threw our bags into the back. "Where's the safe house" asked serenity prepared to get into the drivers seat. "I got this one Ren" I slid past her I knew exactly where we were going it's the place we went after my father left his pack it's where I grew up. The girls loaded up into the car and I drove out of the airport on my way to the place where I spent the first years of my life Fort Worth Texas. The car ride was easier than the plane normani had an excellent playlist that ranged from Megan thee stallion to selena, she even had some rock and roll mixed in. We stopped for food at a diner called big Mikes backyard bbq. While we were laughing and eating I heard I familiar sound. The sweet purr of a motorcycle engine. I looked out the window and saw a large bald man in a denim vest getting off a 1976 Shovelhead Harley Davidson all black and shiny chrome it was in perfect condition. I looked at my girls and the evilest grin spread across my face. They instantly knew where this was heading. Normani slammed 100 bucks on the table we waited until the bald man went into the rest room and ran out of the diner the girls got into the Mercedes and I hopped onto the Harley the bald guy left the keys in the ignition "HA like taking candy from a bald headed baby" I said smugly out loud to myself. Just as I turned over the engine the bald man came running out of the diner "you fucking bitch get of my bike" he began charging me i saw him pull a gun from his waistband.I quickly pulled off covering the man with dirt and rocks with the girls right behind me. I felt a sense of freedom on that Harley riding down that dirt road hair blowing in the wind sun setting and the purr of this sweet Harley I forgot all my troubles for a second. We arrived at the safe house just before dark. It was and a 3 story farmhouse that sat isolated on 12 acres of land, there wasn't civilization around for miles. "Ok girls pick a room and get some rest tomorrow is gonna be a long day".

I walked up the steps of the farmhouse to the master bedroom on the second floor, my parents bedroom. This had been where they spent their honeymoon. I looked at the pictures of my parents along the wall happy and smiling with friends and potential family.My Mother was beautiful I wish I had the chance to meet her the chance to be loved by her to have a father not so broken and cold. I curled up and went to sleep holding a picture of my parents.
"CHRISTA"! "Christa wake the fuck up!" I woke up to serenity shaking me awake I sensed her fear I sat up immediately! "What"! I looked over and saw normani and Aaliyah looking out the windows "I was out on a run and I picked up a scent I flowered it into the wood where i saw wolves at least 10 of them they were getting closer" "Normani are you sure" I asked getting out of bed. "Yes bitch im very sure" "follow me" I led them down to the basement at the very back of the basement was a saferoom I entered the passcode 081096 the door opened "quickly girls get in" the safe room door closed behind us. I turned on the 80in tv that hung on the wall showing the 12 camera screens that were spread across the grounds I could see very large wolves heading towards the house "FUCK"! I began panicking "How did they find us" I opened the doors to the glass case that held my fathers own personal arsenal I handed each girl an M4A1 carbine assault rifle. "Damn christa ain't this what the navy seals use" question serenity "you damn right it is" I handed each girl a clip. "Wait" Aaliyah stepped forward "let me enchant the bullets this is werewolves were dealing with" she began chanting in Latin the bullets in all of our clips changed from gold to sliver in seconds. As she did that I slid on a pair of boots which no doubt had to be my mothers I strapped a gun holster around my thigh and put in a black on black Glock 19 my girls were doing the same "Y'all ready" I asked looking in the faces of my sisters none looked scared they were ready they were hungry. I looked at the camera the wolves were seconds away from getting to the house. Normani switched out her rifle for a Army grade sniper rifle "I'll go up to the roof" she winked at us "te amo chicas" was the last thing she said before opening up the door I went over to the breaker box and cut the power to the house it was pitch black but we were werewolves we saw better in the dark but it was easier to not be spotted by the coming threat. Aaliyah the only one not a wolf among us turned on the flash light on her gun I made a mental note to cuss her out about that later. Normani was long gone on her way towards the attic we moved towards the front of the house I took the front door and partially opened it aaliayah took the dinning room windows to the left of me serenity the living room windows to the right. We waited. Seconds later a Huge black wolf burst through the trees! Charging straight for us behind him was 5 other wolves just as big normani on the roof fired the first shot towards the first wolf he quickly dodged it and ran harder we all began letting loose. I stepped out onto the front porch aiming for the large black wolf. I heard serenity and Aaliyah shoot out the windows werewolves we're dropping left and right except this one large pitch black wolf he was almost to me on the porch I hurried and dropped the now empty assault rifle and began firing my Glock I shot him twice once in his legs and once in his shoulder he growled and kept coming! "Damn it" I braced for impact, Just them I saw Normani jump off the roof and shift into her wolf mid air she landed on top of the huge wolf and clawed his chest he howled in pain. She jumped onto his back and attempted to claw out his eyes suddenly he threw her off him all in the same second he was on top of her he he bared his sharp canines in her and tore her throat out blood sprayed everywhere. "NORMANI NOOO" I screamed instantly shifting into my wolf i lunged off the porch snapping at the large wolf I tasted blood in my mouth, he howled now it was a fight I sunk my fangs so deep into the back of his neck that I could feel his heart beat I shook him around like a rag doll and tossed him through the window of the house. Two wolves attacked me from while my back was turned one tearing into my hind legs the other tearing into my back I whined in pain. It didn't last long they were shot down by one of my girls. After the last wolf dropped Serenity stepped out onto the porch Glock in hand with Aaliyah behind her they looked at the bodies around them. It had to be about at least 12 wolves spread across the front lawn. Serenity walked around one by one, shooting them all in a head to make sure they were dead. I shifted back to my human form and stood there bloody,naked and bruised staring at Normani her body shifted back to its human form as all werewolves did once they died. Aaliyah came out and wrapped a blanket around me we fell to our knees screaming, crying, and cursing god. Serenity walked over and began to cry with us she howled at the moon I joined her with hot tears running down my face I cried for my baby sister. I felt like a part of me was now lost forever I felt responsible that I did not head Aaliyah's warning I wanted to lay there and die with her. Aaliyah wiped her eyes and charged toward the house "the wolf who killed her ain't dead" I ran behind her with serenity on our heels. There he was passed out and back in his human form. "turn him over" when they flipped this man over I could have shit a brick! It was Xavier Rivera the whole reason we were here in Huston. I looked at my sisters as they looked at me "we gotta get out of here fast" i quickly dressed in a white tee black Nike sweatpants and threw on some running shoes we put Xavier in the trunk of the Mercedes along with normanis body I was gonna bury my sister. Serenity packed up all the guns she could and we left I had no idea where we were going or what we were going to do I needed my father I needed help. I cried for my sister for the first Time in a long time I was truly scared.
Chapter 5

What doesn't kill you
Christas P.O.V
I drove around for hours by the Time I came across the abandoned sugar factory the sun was up I parked the car behind the factory and got out. I moved around to the trunk of the car and opened it "help me carry him inside" the three of us lifted this huge man and entered the factory it was an old building with leaks and rodents but it was big enough to do what needed done. We found a table and laid Xavier on it. "How do we know his ass ain't dead" asked serenity while trying to catch her breath. "Cause his heart is beating dick head" snapped Aaliyah "well why isn't he awake yet" she snapped back I stepped forward to examine the naked man in front of me he was slowly leaking from the places I shot him. "It's the bullets" "they're enchanted silver bullets he won't wake up until they're removed" I walked back out to the car and removed Normanis body as I pulled her out of the trunk I stumbled backwards causing her and me to fall I held her in my arms with her back to my chest I cried and kissed her cheek. I could feel how cold she was becoming. Aaliyah came and lifted me up from behind, I gently laid Normani down as I got up. Wiping my eyes I looked at Aaliyah let's go out into the desert and bury her.
The sugar factory was surrounded by nothing that we could see for miles being as tho I was a wolf from the only pack that could shift whenever and wherever we wanted I shifted into my wolf form and dug a hole for my sister I dug and dug until my claws bled Aaliyah and serenity lifted Normani and placed her into her makeshift grave they held each other I stared at my baby sister and it hurt knowing this was the last time I would see her I couldn't bear this pain I screamed on the inside, wolf howled the most blood curling heart breaking howl I ever heard. Aaliyah magically placed the dirt on top of Normani and said a spell that caused a rose bush to form Aaliyah closed her eyes and said the words more strongly , the rose bush began to move it was taking on a shape, it looked like a wolf it was beautiful I continued to cry on the way back to the factory. I shifted back and put my blood spattered clothes and shoes I sat in the back seat of the car. "What do we do now" asked serenity who was sitting on the ground at my feet, Aaliyah stood in front of us smoking a joint. "We finish the job" i replied while reaching out for the joint from Aaliyah taking a long pull and exhaling. "I contact my father he gets our answers we get our revenge for our sister and my mother and we get out of here". Aaliyah looked irritated "you just don't get it christa" she snapped angrily at me "Normani is dead your mother is dead I'm not gonna die trying to get answers to questions you don't even know to ask your being played by dear old daddy"! I quickly stood and grabbed Aaliyah by the throat pushing her against the way I pulled my gun and put it to her head "You must have forgotten what happened when I found you and spared your life bitch" I said referring to the Miami job "Don't forget your place Aaliyah and don't say things you don't understand" she smiled and with a flick of her wrist I was flung backwards into the car slamming into it causing the front window to break glass shattered everywhere. I jumped to my feet ready to shift if this bitch wanted a fight I was gonna give her one! "Whoa whoa whoa wait you guys" serenity quickly jumped In between us "please we just buried our sister I don't wanna bury another one" "Christa" Aaliyah said walking towards me "I love you I only mean your blind loyalty towards your father is clouding your judgement" she pleaded with me "He is keeping something from you I can feel it please don't contact him just yet". Serenity reached for my hand "let's see what we can figure out on our own first" I nodded my head in agreement. We had found some silver chains holding a gate closed we had Aaliyah grab them and drape them over our guest being as tho we were wolves we could touch silver. She draped chains around his neck, chest, and across his legs. I pulled up a chair and sat "Aaliyah remove the bullets" she dug out the first bullet with her fingers and launched it across the room she did the same with the second bullet. Moments later our guest began to stirr. "Make him drink the wolfsbane potion you made" serenity said to Aaliyah. She put the potion to his lips and it must have burned like hell going down cause he started screaming bloody murder.
"Well good morning sleepy head" I said standing up. "We have a few requests" I smiled down at him excited to be able to rip his heart out and eat it soon. "Fuck you, crazy wolf bitch" he spit his words at me like bullets. Aaliyah used her magic to tighten the chains. He screamed again I signaled for her to stop "now" I continued pulling out my burner phone "why don't you call your big brother to come pick you up" "you expect the Alpha of the biggest pack in America to just walk in here unprotected" he began laughing I dug my claws into both of his thighs cause blood to run down his legs Xavier screamed to the top of his lungs tears running down his face "Thats exactly what he's gonna do or I'll be shipping you back home piece by piece"
"NOW CALL YOUR FUCKING BROTHER" I commanded. My voice, echoing through the empty sugar factory, Xavier began to whimper and whine I couldn't understand why this full grown wolf was acting like a child under the weight, under the pressure of my voice just as I realized what was going on Aaliyah said it out loud. "Oh my God christa" she said your his alpha.
What the fuck.

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