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(Wow Finally a chapter related to the actual reason I wrote this book)

Dear parents, (mostly targeted at mum)

Comparing me to others is fucking painful.
Sure I dropped the cup or the plate for the millionth time but I'm human I have reflexes I have nerves I make mistakes. Then you do the same thing and act like it was nothing 🙃

You tell me to hurry up. Berate me if I'm still eating by 7. Then I'm ready and then you're the one who's taking too my fucking time.

Scold me for licking my lips. I can't help it .

S0rry if I don't wanna wear pretty pink frilly dresses like the other girls. Sorry if I prefer trainers than flats.

Sorry if I don't wanna do ballet.
Sorry if I wanted to go to a mixed school not an all girls.(I ended up going to an all girls the mixed one is ducking expensive can't blame them)


Sorry if sometimes I have an 'attitude' it's ur fucking fault in the first place.

You think girls shouldn't be hanging out with the boys. You'll think they'll 'corrupt me' (sometimes that last part is right 😂)


My best friend is a boy that doesn't mean I'm fucking dating him.

Sure u can call me an ugly cow (hypocritical if I got upset at that) but don't say I. Have a big forehead

Because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm bad at sports. Turns out I was better than you.

Your excuse: ur black of course ur better.

To everyone ,


To everyone

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