Oops! Sorry!

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It was a cold, damp winters day in the Kamiyama highschool. Everybody nearby had their fluffy coats and scarfs and gloves, it was almost Christmas season!

I have mixed feelings on how it's nearing to Christmas, and how it's winter time I'm general. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, it's beautiful and the atmospheres are really nice, also how it gives me an excuse to sit inside and make robots and drones all day. It also gives you a pleasant chance to spend some good times with people you appreciate, like for me, my band members! And Mizuki and Toya and all of my other siblings, too! But, I don't like it being rainy, I'm scared of the rain, I hate it. It's wet and watery and...I don't like that at all, obviously. Still, I couldn't lie saying that I'm not excited, this years been alright so far!

Rui aimlessly walks outside of the school grounds, the ice-cold air whistling and whisking onto the edges of his hair. The bitter feeling of the freezing wind felt almost tranquil. Anyway, everybody in Kamiyama got free from school early today, due to the harsh weather conditions. And so, Rui over here was looking for the exit, he's never left the school from the back before, he always leaves from the entrance, but the teachers recently informed him that he can't do that anymore and that it violates the school rules, but he had no idea where the exit from the back was. Most had already left, some were staying behind for clubs or just for fun. Rui began to panic, what if the school gates close and he still hadn't found his way out yet?! Would he get detention?!

No, I wouldn't, right? I mean, I've never left this way before, so it's not my fault that I can't navigate it...right? God, I just need to find my damn way out of here! Maybe it's...over to the left? I haven't been that way yet, I don't think so anyway...Meh, it's not like I have any other options.

Rui heads to the left direction, crossing his fingers, hoping that this is the right way. If it isn't, he's totally done for. He sees the exit, his eyes glisten, he feels like squealing in excitement, instead, he just smiles like a weirdo.

No way! I actually found it! No way! Well, I guess it's time to leave, then...Huh?

Suddenly, Rui spots somebody. On a small, wooden bench nearby, there's a girl there. She seems to be lost in thought, staring up at the sky, invaded with frosty clouds and small clusters of falling snow.

Why is she still here? Isn't she gonna get...in trouble? Should I check? I hope I don't come off as annoying to her, though...Eh, I don't wanna be the witness of a detention.

He hesitantly walks over to her, trying to be quiet. When he finally reaches the side of the bench, he talks without thinking about startling her.

"Hey, I just kinda wanted to ask what your-"

The girl gasps, it was loud, too. You could tell that the sudden conversation starter gave her a bit of a shock. She looks at him with wide eyes. Rui begins to panic.

"Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to frighten you! Are you alright?!"

He stutters. Looking at her with the same expression that she's giving him.

God, I probably look like such an idiot...Why did I even decide to do this again?


Rui x Shiho thing idkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora